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Thanks for the critique jkramerbob. You were right about the fill-in flash. I shoot events for a local Snapd paper here in Ontario. The guy caught my eye and I just had time to grab a few shots before he left at the end of the game. If I see him again I'll definitely take some more. Congrats to the winner!
Thanks everyone for a great competition, as always. Well done Acearchie! Look forward to seeing what next week will bring.
Great entries this week well done everyone.

Like I said on mine, not really an entry but a capture of one of the natives in my new house location. No way I was going to let that pass without a record if it and this competition provide the vehicle for it.

I was holding up traffic at a traffic light waiting for the dog to cock its leg to get the shot.:)
Thanks jkramerbob for the critique & kind words, but honestly there is no way I am all that, same goes my photos..

Well done everyone & Winners!! At last Acearchie for a win! I feel he's been wronged too many times

To the next one
Chappers – Even though this was posted a few minutes after the contest closed it certainly deserves comment. As much as I enjoy your work, I simply cannot condone photographs that could in some way scar a child for life. I can tell however, by the subject’s level of enthusiasm, he is fully on-board with this! Seriously, these are the snapshots that years from now will still bring a smile. Although my child/skull portfolio is pretty lean, a couple suggestions: Move the subject away from the wall. Get at eye level with small children (not eye level with the skull).
No argument from me on the photo - just a very quick fun snap (nothing more) from a few years back. Why he wanted the skull on his head remains a mystery to me. He still does crazy stuff - and if I get the chance I still photograph it. He seems to survive without scarring :)
Thanks for the comments and feedback! This is the first time I've been in top three here, so it feels kinda good :)
Congrats and well done to all those who entered! some amazing entries this week!
Thanks guys for all the comments and the win!

I've been mad busy at the moment but I'm back! Will post shortly.
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