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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Aug 2, 2009
Welcome to this weeks photo contest thread!

The theme this week is "Tiny". Interpret it how you will.

You may only submit one photo per contest.

Please do not comment or use voting button on photos until after the judging has taken place.

The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision).

The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme).
Oncoming train is tiny when this was taken, just lights in the distance, but that changed in a few seconds!


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In amongst a Lavender flower was this hunt underway, with a tiny orange Aphid being stalked by a Flower Spider. The Aphid was about 0.5mm long and the Flower Spider was maybe 4mm, being generous! That's the tiniest things I've ever captured and I was actually trying to capture pictures of Bees in the Lavender! :eek:

Canon 6D, Tamron 90mm f/2.8 macro, 72mm Extension Tubes, 2x Speedlites,

_MG_6418.jpg by playswithlight, on Flickr
My tiny Wife

Excuse the poor photo, but this was self timer on a Pano TZ, but always makes us smile! Note the size of my comedy hand!


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Hope this is okay. Figured it couldn't harm anybody.

hi all, this is Needfx. Roadbloc is kind enough to post this for me, as I am currently on administrative time-out for frivolities until 01dec2013.

I was very much inspired to take some shots for this week's contest, but since I am on said time-out, I am only "posting" without actually taking part in the competition.

So, without further ado : Tiny Ani

Nice shots everybody!


Photo details:
canon eos 6d, canon ef 100mm macro is L 2.8, 600 ex rt (3 pieces) 1/160sec, f/2.8, iso 100, 100mm


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Life on the edge

I'm chipping in for once with two comma butterfly eggs. Developing larvae just visible, floating in their green soup, glued to the edge of a hop's leaf. To the naked eye these are glistening, smooth, emerald, pinheads.


Nikon V1, FT-1, Sigma 50mm F/2.8 Macro. Hand-held, available light.


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Well , guess that's it ..... I should have some commentary and results up later this evening , or at latest tomorrow morning .
Too much good stuff here .....

fitshaced : The kayaker soon to be dwarfed by the bridge . Nice reflection off the water . Taken from another kayak with a long lens? But wait…. There’s more !!!
Is that a tiny Sydney Opera House in the background? Hopefully , Reynolds’ The Sands of Time was on the card when this picture was shot.

JoeRito : Yes … those trains sure grow fast! A fine job composing ,I like the symmetry of the rails v. the asymmetry of the trees/signals .

Pmxexperience : Circuit boards are fascinating things to explore and shoot . You’ve done a nice job dealing with a narrow depth of field . I might have shifted position to center the chip (Microsoft … the horror!) between the 2 capacitors . Hand held , natural light with the 50 in your sig..?

Alexander of Oz : Isn’t it great all the stuff you accidentally find when bug hunting? You’ve got a nasty looking spider , and aphid heading for the horizon (it’s DOF blur but we can imagine it’s motion blur from his fleeing as fast as he can), plus a hairy flower . Is that another aphid in the top right? Nice Job !

Keleko : You’ve captured an image that I’ve attempted several times but with little success . I’m jealous!!! I like the way the spider is framed in white . Did you use any kind of fill light to accentuate the dew?

themumu : Gotta like little ducks . These look to be maybe a week or two past being fuzzballs. The reeds suggest a shoreline. Did you use a long lens to capture them at rest or were these just really used to people?

jodelli : Tiny boat …. Big city . Nicely composed , the red of the kayak pops out of what is a pretty monochromatic shot .

salacious : Small city …. Little dog …. Tiny people … great sky …… wide shot . Lots of stuff going on here . So , how’d you get it so wide ? Stitched , cropped , in-camera magic ?

acearchie : Nice . Tiny moon over a big piece of planet . Was this the last of a sunset , or was it one of those rare bursts of light that sometimes happens just after the sun sets ? Did you accentuate the vignetting in post or is this pretty much what happened?

butch10x : 91 cents (assuming US currency) , a pittance .
I like the way the coins blur out a the edges . Depth of field or done in post ? Nice nondescript background , just fades away .Would you have been able to achieve the same effect if the top 16 cents were in focus?

AlexH : Interesting sunset but , hey , where’s the tiny ? Tiny seeds on the grass ? Tiny bit of damage to the retina from shooting into the sun? Gotta be something real small in there somewhere .

Indydenny : Christmas already ? Well, soon enough . Was the train running when the picture was taken , there’s a touch of blur in the wheels .

LongSticks : C’mon … you can’t fool me . That poor lady’s average size and you’re a giant ! Does SHE know you posted her as TINY ? Might be sleeping on the couch for this one .

fireman32: You’ve gotta like taking bumblebee shots . Probably about the most cooperative flying bug there is . He’s a bit out of focus in the back , motion or a large aperture?

Apple Fanboy : Another cooperative bug . Nice reflections off its shell , and a nice , plain background . Taken with the 18-55?

Roadbloc : Just some comments , not judging this . Maybe better centering ?
Also , maybe changing the hand position some so the left part of the figure’s cape doesn’t get lost in the beckground . The object itself is nice and clear though . Did you REALLY use 3 – 600EX’s ? Enough….back in the corner.

Leighonigar : Wow . Always thought butterflies came from cocoons . Shows how much I know . This image is proof that a good image isn’t totally dependent on having a gazillion dollars in gear . Even the little hair things on the eggs are definable . Nice job , especially considering its hand held-available light .

Team Timm : I have friends who have one of these and it never sits still . Yours does , you're lucky . The dog is nice and sharp , and the background isn't . I really like the light disks in the background . Christmas lights?There is , however , something strange to me about the dog's eyes , maybe flash reflection?

So , The winners are:

1st: Leighonigar

2nd: Alexander of Oz

3rd: tie : butch10x and acearchie

Leighonigar ..... you're up
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Team Timm : I have friends who have one of these and it never sits still . Yours does , you're lucky . The dog is nice and sharp , and the background isn't . I really like the light disks in the background . Christmas lights?There is , however , something strange to me about the dog's eyes , maybe flash reflection?

Yeah she's a handful but stays still for the hope of a cookie. Yeah it was our Christmas tree, makes for great bokeh. The eyes are actually from a special reflective layer in the back of the eye termed the tapetum, which enhances nocturnal vision (almost all domestic animals (dogs/cats) have this layer) which happened because I was using a bounce flash.

Thanks for the critique and congratulations Leighonigar! Looking forward to next contest!
Excellent judging someoldguy! I used a wide aperture for this shot but I did not have a lot in my arsenal to fit the theme. Congrats to Leighonigar I look forward to what you come up with for next week.
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