I think I may have misinterpreted the brief this week as I thought it was about revealing what was in the shadows and not showing shots with shadows, which is the way everyone else seems to have gone.
I think that Anonymous freak went the same way as me.
Looking at the entries submitted, I had a feeling that perspectives on how to interpret the brief could differ, drastically.
Personally, I love ancient urban centres, both day and above all, at night, in the shadows; however, I am fascinated by how this brief has been interpreted by everyone who has taken the time and trouble to post an entry.
Only Archie knows! And he has obviously been on the sauce all weekend
Why not submit an entry?
Well, it is perfectly understandable that week-ends are sometimes reserved for a serious bout of sauce intake………
Re entering, I'd love to, but, as it happens, I still use film, and hugely enjoy using it. I have yet to 'graduate' to digital.
In fact, I have never actually used a digital camera, and know absolutely nothing about them. Nor, for that matter, do I know anything about the whole field of digital photography, and the software that is used subsequently, when processing on a computer.
Indeed, for that matter, I don't have a camera phone - (I have a rather aged Nokia) and so have no idea of how to 1) take a picture with one, 2) transfer it to a computer file and 3) upload it online.
Since I discovered this section of the forum, I have dropped in to take a look at what is happening, and most weeks, I follow the weekly contest with great interest. Some outstanding photographs have been taken, and I am fascinated by the ideas, and thought processes, behind individual entries as well as by how images are composed and why certain images are preferred to others (although I realise that this is a very personal and of necessity, subjective, viewpoint).
Anyway, there is much there for me to learn, not least about photography, let alone digital photography, - which is one of the reasons that I started taking a look at this section of the forum on a semi-regular basis - and the conversations on this thread are always conducted in a very congenial, and mutually helpful and respectful, yet fun, atmosphere.