EDIT: Phew it seems to have all worked!
Nice shot on the beach but a little too hot! Detail is gone in the highlights and the shadows add nothing of importance that we need to see in the frame. Centre framing is also quite straightforward especially as the sun is right in the centre as well. The water, beach and sky offer a nice way to separate the frame.
Great shot. I understand they are important to some people but the water mark takes me ‘out of it’ a little bit. I know you had your issue with one of your previous photos going walkabouts but I would have preferred it to be in an outer frame. The back light is really nice and gives a nice amount of detail in all the parts that matter. My only criticism would be that I would like more story with the image. What is being made, is it late at night, is this a hobby or a profession. The image strikes me as quite documentary and therefore I would like a story to go along with it.
I mentioned to one of the posters that product photography is definitely not my forte so I’ll try my best. The product feels a bit small in the frame with a lot of empty space around it. I like the OOF elements and the colours work well together. Mixed colour temperature lighting doesn’t sit so well and comes off as more of an oversight rather than being intentional. It does work though and I could imagine seeing it as an ad with the right copy around it.
Bonus point for being the only person to submit ‘one’ as I asked. You did catch me out as I reloaded the page a couple of times waiting for the picture to load…
backlit micro magnets ... retro shot
Very interesting subject. Lots of great little reflections flying around which works nicely. Quite a bit of dead space top right which doesn’t have the effect of drawing me into the subject. Slightly distracting bright element just catching the frame on the left too. Well done for shooting wide open too as circles for the OOF elements works better than a pentagon, hexagon or other. Have you tried B&W as the colours are a bit odd for me.
What the heck, I'll join in.

Poppins by
Adam_Campbell, on Flickr
Have to say straight off that it’s a pity that we are losing bits of the umbrella. Personally I think we could have lost more detail towards the camera (ear and jacket) as it already seems like you are going for a bit of a silhouette feel. The grittiness to the texture of the skin doesn’t work for me either but this is a totally subjective point. I assume the black marks at the bottom are a bit of remnants from the PS clean up on a dirty backdrop? With the processing in general I’m not to set on what the intentions are. It’s gritty and dark (sin-cityesque) but the posing implies cute young girl yet the props imply stuck in the rain!
Don’t you just love clouds? Every day they are different and occasionally you can get brief moments like this were they just offer up something that you’ll never see again!
I really like the processing on this. The purpley tones work really nicely with the dark blues.
I was wondering if I'd have anything for this contest...and then there it was in front of me. Some early morning fishing at the campsite today.
I’ve seen a bit of a growing trend in this thread of people putting the sun right behind the subject which can cause the blooming around the head. If you offset the sun in your frame over to the left or right a bit I think you would have the same effect but without drawing too much attention to specifically the head of the subject. Just some thoughts for next time but if you’d come much lower you could have had your subject silhouetted against the sky rather than losing a bit of the torso in the darker areas.
Well time has almost run out, and it looks like I'll have to go with this. Not quite a backlit person, but as close as I've got.
_DSC7463 by
apple fanboy1, on Flickr
I appreciate your dedication to the cause! Actually going and trying to get a shot that you haven’t attempted previously.
My main issue with this frame is the business, there is a lot going on and I’m not sure where my eyes are meant to go. I think the deep depth of field doesn’t help as everything is as sharp as everything else. Whilst the man is backlit (tick off that checkbox!) his head unfortunately cuts just on the line of the banking in the background. It’s nice to hide the sun behind the light giving light even when it’s not lit! It’s the light that keeps on giving!
The last few weeks have been somewhat unpredictable in the Parkin household, with barely a moment to use the camera. So back to the archives - a floating village in Cambodia - the construction in the centre is a floating basketball court.
Floating Village by
Parkin Pig, on Flickr
Whilst cloud formations like this are great to look at I always find that when you capture them in a picture they have a habit of tugging the frame in a certain direction and making it feel off balanced! I’ve double checked the horizon line and your spot on! I love the rays on the right just breaking through. Bit of a shame about the blown out areas but high dynamic contrast scenes like this are tricky ones to capture.
Not sure if this one does count as backlit as most of the light seems to be coming from the front! With structures like this I think it’s important to hit them head on with the composition which hasn’t quite been done in this frame. I don’t know what’s surround the sign but perhaps go a little wider next time and make sure you can get the whole thing in and always crop in if needed.
Wow! Thumbs up on this one. Great backlight and just enough shutter (must have been a lot of shutter!) to freeze the body but give us a bit of wing motion to keep the action of the shot alive. All the different elements work well together and the red popping out from the green is great. My only gripe would be that maybe the OOF elements top left are just a tad too bright, and therefore distracting a little, in the frame.
Amateur attempt at a dreamy plant picture.
To create backlight the sun doesn’t have to be directly behind the subject. You could have got away with having it just a tad out of the frame and still had the the flowers all back lit. In this scenario the sun is a little to distracting and does take away from the image a little. CA is a little distracting too. I think you could afford to crop into this and come out with some nice results.
Super panic last minute photo ... my first try at a portrait
Not a bad effort. Portraits are all about connecting with the subject so as long as you have got an expression that you are happy with then you’ve done your job!
In this situation, technically, the elements that put me off are the distracting BG bits and bobs and the mixed colour lighting. I assume you popped a little flash from the front. This had two effects on the image, it has made the skin a little shiny and has overall cooled the face a little colour temperature wise. These factors can be corrected by bouncing the flash so it’s softer and by gelling it to match the rest of the scene.
It looks like the BG is completely blown so one thing to bare in mind is that a light source doens’t have to be completely behind the subject to back lit it. If you came off axis you would see that your subject would still have a rim light but you would be able to pick and choose a different background. Either way I hope it’s not your last portrait!
Ship port holes make a great back light.
Straight off it’s a bit too bright for me. The blooming around the subject is a bit too intense. I don’t know if it was possible to step back a little and get the whole port hole in but that would have been quite nice. Posing-wise I’m not sure what the subject is thinking and I’m struggling a little to engage with her emotions. Were you going with anything in particular when you were shooting?
The light levels were really very low in this scene and I had to use a high ISO so it's rather noisy. I nearly didn't submit it but she's so cute I couldn't resist!
You’ve done the right thing converting to B&W to deal with the low light, it hides the noise well! In fact, it hides it so well I would say that you could afford to push it a bit further and really make those highlights pop. Framing is a little off with not quite enough headroom and the feet being chopped off a tad. I agree though, it’s a cute inquisitive face and definitely worth sharing!
Couple weeks ago pulled over on a freeway overpass cause I couldn't resist taking a photo of this sunrise.
EXIF Summary: Olympus E-PL3 1/160s f/11.0 ISO200 14mm
Great intense colours. My only question though is what relevance does the plank of wood and nails have? It slightly takes me out of the scene and makes me wonder what’s going on!
The framing is a bit iffy but I think that’s a factor of the shaping and design of the overpass rather than your shot. Vignette is quite strong but I think it’s good that you’ve ‘hid’ the details at the side which are of less importance.
Wow. Phew. Finally done.
I hope some of what I have written is useful. Take everything with a pinch of salt as I’ve only shared what I think and obviously not what others may think!
So, onto the winners.
Third Place: mtbdudex
Second Place: kingalexthe1st
First Place: MCH-1138
It was pretty tough when it came to the top but I went with my gut feeling! Hope others can agree.