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Parkin Pig

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 23, 2009
Welcome to this weeks photo contest thread!

Please feel free to interpret the subject matter in any way you like.

You may only submit one photo per contest.

Please do not comment or use voting button on photos until after the judging has taken place.

The contest runs for exactly one week, starting NOW! (see time/date stamp at the start of this thread)

At the end of the week, The Judge (last week's Winner) will choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place photo, providing as much feedback as possible. (Judge has 24 hours to make decision)

The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create new theme)

Just started photography. One of my first few tries at HDR, I was pleased with the results

Just started photography. One of my first few tries at HDR, I was pleased with the results

Hi hfmutlu

It looks like the link you provided is a link to your C: drive. You may be able to see the photo when you view this thread on your own computer, but unfortunately no-one else will be able to see it.
The following is a link to instructions on how to display photographs you may have on Flickr or ImageShack:

Posting Photos to Photo Forums from Flickr and ImageShack

Or you can upload a photograph by using the 'Manage Attachments' button in the 'Additional Options' section which appears when you are composing your reply.

Hope this helps.
We have a thing where you can't photograph and share publicly, the full name of a building or business logo that's owned by the state government here, so only a partial entry for this weeks contest.

...and the winner is

And so the warm glow of being chosen in the Weekly Photo Contest turns to the dread of having to pick a top three the following week.

Much as I love photography, when it comes to other people's work, I know what I like, but I always find it difficult to explain why, so please excuse any waffle here.

hfmutlu: Unfortunately we never got to see your picture, as it seems you posted a link to your local c: drive.

Keleko: A good optical illusion, this one. I spent quite a while looking at this trying to work out why all the lines were going in the directions they were. It finally dawned on me that there are a couple of rectangular openings in the front wall.

acearchie: Lovely crisp picture - you've picked a good time of day where the sun was in the perfect place to light this scene, and a mix of cloud and blue sky that photographers dream of.

Cheese&Apple: The backlighting on the letters gives a very pleasing 3D effect.

LongSticks: Iconic letters, and a reminder of a very agreeable day I spent in Dublin. I would have gone for a shot more perpendicular to the gate (if space and security allowed).

jkramerbob: Old school indeed. A classic photograph that could enhance the wall of any public space. Also reminds me of our local industrial museum which has an old print room full of antique press machinery.

sidefx: Nice and clean - a well chosen angle with no background distraction from the subject matter.

deep diver: This has good depth to it, with a lovely out-of-focus background which still has plenty of detail to add context to the picture. It would have been nice to have not cropped the left side of the coach's arm, but that's really just being picky. I also like the subtle interpretation of this week's theme.

samwich: Nice colours, and a good mantra. If I'm being picky again I'd say crop the bit of green wall from the right hand side.

ijohn.8.80: Beautiful lines in this photo, the tinted b&w serves it very well. That's a strange law of not being allowed to show the full name of the building - presumably it's available on Google street view.

dmrowley: Indeed this is an all too familiar sight on our high streets today. High contrast B&W adds to the sense of abandonment.

MacRy: Beautifully exposed - and a fantastic subject. I like that the shift key actually says 'SHIFT KEY', and not just 'SHIFT'.

Melizard: A festival of colour, and one of those photos you can spend a while finding new things in.

Indydenny: Good use of shadows and lines. If I were to change anything, I would maybe try and use the glasses to draw attention to a particular phrase or word.

fireman32: This is great - you've captured the backlighting on the keyboard beautifully.

Apple fanboy: A good, fun interpretation of this week's subject. A plain white plate would distract less from the subject matter (although I presume this was a meal for your children, so a patterned plate is inevitable). This picture triggers all sorts of ideas (using alphabetti spaghetti to spell out 'messy' or 'whoops' on the table, clothing, etc).

JDDavis: I like the ghostly appearance of Lincoln's statue in this photo. If I were to be picky I'd say get a little closer and more central to try and get all the words in and improve symmetry.

And now the tough bit. I hate having to exclude anyone from the top 3, but here are my choices, based purely on my very non-scientific method of 'eyecatchiness':

in third place, sidefx
in second place, MacRy
and this weeks number 1 spot goes to jkramerbob.

I often judge the Photo of the Week competition privately. I never realised how tough it was when it's actually your turn. Anyway, thanks to everyone who submitted a photograph.
Well done PP and congratulations to jkramerbob! It's congratulations to everyone really for the interesting contest. :)
Next Week's Contest

Nice job Parkin Pig. I believe everyone appreciates the individual attention to their photos. Next week's contest is now posted on the Digital Photograph blog and I am anxious to see what everyone has to submit. I will attempt to be as constructive as possible in all critiques with the understanding that we all simply desire to improve our craft.
Thanks for taking the time for all that feed back. Agree a white plate would have looked better (but didn't have one). Sadly this was my Sunday lunch!

I think I would have picked the same winner as you did. Can't really say what I like about the photo, except I just like it.
Thanks for the critique and I'm glad you enjoyed my photo enough to give it second place. Couldn't agree more with the winner though - fantastic photo that I could also imagine on the wall of a library or some hip bookshop.

I really liked the alphabet spaghetti idea too.
Thanks for the comments

Congrats on the wining was a great composition.

Thanks as well for the comments Parkin. The Guinness Storehouse was so busy I literally had to use that angle to cut out people to the left and right! Not ideal!

Looking forward to the next comp!
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