This was an exceedingly difficult contest to judge. There were multiple images that could've easily been crowned the winner, but I must choose one. So let's get to it, shall we?
Honorable mention:
@anotherscotsman. This shot made me chuckle every time. It's well composed, and it's got a great sense of humor to it. I love the apathetic look of the humans, and the almost grumpy look of the bird. You might just have more street skills than you give yourself credit for.
3rd Place: @MacRy. Well composed, great use of light and shadow, and a nice commentary on modern life. You have a well-documented eye for street photography. Well done!
2nd Place: @Indydenny. What a great angle. I feel like I'm physically standing over the man's shoulder as he works on the scroll. The lighting and hat add a lot of mood to this shot. I always like it when someone fills the frame up with interesting information, and you did a fantastic job of using every inch of the frame.
1st Place: @The Bad Guy -- I love this photograph! It's got a great sense of rhythm with those repeating lamps going down the alley way, and the line running down the center of the image takes me from the subject all the way down the alley to the people at the end. It's composed in such a way that it invites me to explore the scene, and that's always fun. Well done! Enjoy the fame and fortune of 1st place!
@kenoh - I love street photography at night, unfortunately I stink at it! I like your image, though.
@malofx - I have a Flickr group called Street Minimalist, and this would fit in nicely. This is an image that could've easily been in the top 3, or even 1st place. The competition is just that good this week. Well done!
@E3BK - Really good street shot. You captured his drumming at just the right moment. It makes me feel a sense of tension as my mind is waiting for the hand to fall, and the beat to continue. My only critique is it feels like it could use a minor straightening. Other than that, it's a solid street shot.
@dwfaust - I enjoyed this scene. The subject is interesting, and the guy on the far right adds to the atmosphere. Well done.
@CmdrLaForge - I appreciate b&w film shooters! I like the scene, but the rail in the bottom left quarter of the image distracts me from an otherwise very interesting photograph. I mentioned before that I like photos that invite me in to study them, and this fits the bill.
@Apple fanboy - I think you pulled off a great shot here! I love your use of the iPhone screen, and the composition adds a sense of mystery and tension to the scene. Nicely done.
@someoldguy - Monochrome Street is a hard street to find, it's pretty underground... Joking aside, I like this shot. As much as I love monochrome street photography (and I DO), I would be interested to see what this looks like in color.
@coryndiego - Great architecture! I could spend all day photographing this scene. One minor critique: the frame is distracting for me.
@deep diver - Well, that's a street, and it's monochrome... Haha. Beautiful shot, I love those mountains.
@MichalTMartinez - I love the sense of motion and competition. This is a really cool photo!
@rx7dude - Mesmerizing tunnel. I like your use of the repeating pattern.
I'd like to thank everyone who submitted a photograph, you all did a great job! It's all yours,
@The Bad Guy!