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macrumors 68040
Jul 17, 2013
Orlando, FL
Wow, thanks. That was actually a backup, last minute substitution. Initially, I was going to post the one below but didn't know if people would recognize that it is the photographer that may have to make the decision to flee (flight) or fight in response to the subject's aggressive action. Obviously a telephoto, but very little cropping. Approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away, down at eye level, natural environment with no barriers separating - second photo shows environment, different gator but same area. Yes, I am crazy - but I got the picture! That is also the same park where I caught the Great Heron in flight with the frog somewhere along that 2.8 mile trail.

Will post tomorrow as need to think about it. Initial thought would require two photos with a theme "Before and After" but that is outside the rules so will think about something more traditional.
Gator Closeup-2500px.jpg

Wetlands Feb2016-1500px-26.jpg
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Wow, thanks. That was actually a backup, last minute substitution. Initially, I was going to post the one below but didn't know if people would recognize that it is the photographer that may have to make the decision to flee (flight) or fight in response to the subject's aggressive action. Obviously a telephoto, but very little cropping. Approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away, down at eye level, natural environment with no barriers separating - second photo shows environment, different gator but same area. Yes, I am crazy - but I got the picture! That is also the same park where I caught the Great Heron in flight with the frog.

Will post tomorrow as need to think about it. Initial thought would require two photos with a theme "Before and After" but that is outside the rules so will think about something more traditional.
View attachment 783395
View attachment 783402
That would have gone right over my head.
But a well deserved win.

Laird Knox

macrumors 68000
Jun 18, 2010
@Laird Knox

You get up to some weird stuff on the weekends don’t you? Anyway I like this photo but it’s not flight or fight in my book. More like something out of an S&M magazine! I hope she got let out and your not some sort of serial killer!

That's what the "Too late?" meant - missed the chance for fight or flight. :D It is open to interpretation, right. ;)

You are worried about the girl - just look at how much fun she is having. I don't think I could have gotten a darkly serious shot out of her if I had wanted it. :D It was a fun afternoon in Nelson, NV and as we were about to wrap it up we found the cage. We did a couple of shots in a cholla cactus forest and taking the cage back to where we found it we stumbled upon the pedestal and the contest entry is the result.

Weird stuff? What else are weekends good for?

I also thought about entering this image. Why was that boot there? Was it a fight? Was somebody trying to get away? Just a boot on a busy corner in downtown Las Vegas. I always wondered what the story was.


I was just having some fun with it. Can't always go with the obvious interpretation.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on everybody's work.


macrumors 6502
Oct 16, 2014

When I considered the sort of shots that might be posted, I didn’t expect anything like this! Excellent timing on the spinning guy in the centre. Was this set up for a photo shoot with strobes or just great timing? There is some interesting banding on the photo behind the dancers. Might just be the compression, but worth checking your original.

Thanks for the podium!
Yeah... I posted a wrong version, that’s why the banding. I fixed a bunch of things in Photoshop, but accidentally posted the plain Lightroom version. The banding is actually reflections on the back wall, because there is a grid and some piping there. This was a photoshoot with studio flashes, I think back in 2015. The flying guy in the middle (Vellu Saarela) runs towards me and jumps over the other guys. Here they are:

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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Original poster
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
That's what the "Too late?" meant - missed the chance for fight or flight. :D It is open to interpretation, right. ;)

You are worried about the girl - just look at how much fun she is having. I don't think I could have gotten a darkly serious shot out of her if I had wanted it. :D It was a fun afternoon in Nelson, NV and as we were about to wrap it up we found the cage. We did a couple of shots in a cholla cactus forest and taking the cage back to where we found it we stumbled upon the pedestal and the contest entry is the result.

Weird stuff? What else are weekends good for?

I also thought about entering this image. Why was that boot there? Was it a fight? Was somebody trying to get away? Just a boot on a busy corner in downtown Las Vegas. I always wondered what the story was.


I was just having some fun with it. Can't always go with the obvious interpretation.

Thanks for taking the time to comment on everybody's work.
That's my trouble. I'm always quite literal with the theme.
Thanks for the podium!
Yeah... I posted a wrong version, that’s why the banding. I fixed a bunch of things in Photoshop, but accidentally posted the plain Lightroom version. The banding is actually reflections on the back wall, because there is a grid and some piping there. This was a photoshoot with studio flashes, I think back in 2015. The flying guy in the middle (Vellu Saarela) runs towards me and jumps over the other guys. Here they are:



macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2016

Lovely landscape and BIF shot all in one. It would be nicer if the bird was flying towards you, but they never are, are they? It does feel like it’s leaning a little to the right.

Thank you very much for the feedback AFB. And to think I almost entered the picture below. But that's fine, for whatever reason I liked the picture I entered better. :)

by Lance Randall, on Flickr

Darn, I forgot to straighten this picture out too. :D

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
_CCR6278 - Version 2.jpg

BIF: This guy or gal (Roseate Spoonbill) from my archives didn't quite get to the competition.... Shot in Florida in late January/early February of 2009..... We shot a lot during the week we were there -- Florida is absolute Mecca for Bird photographers! If I remember correctly, this particular image was shot hand-held from a boat, using the 80-400mm Nikon lens that was available at that time (and which has since been updated once or twice).


Mar 15, 2008
Thanks @Apple fanboy . I used this image in other comps and while I know it's ok, I just wanted to use something different. I agree with the background being distracting though. TBH, I've not been feeling very inspired lately. I think my time in Los Angeles sucked the life out of me for a while and I'm still trying to recover. lol.

But great job on judging! It was a fun topic. Congrats to @tizeye and looking forward to the next one.


macrumors 604
Jul 18, 2008
Glasgow, UK
Thanks @Apple fanboy . I used this image in other comps and while I know it's ok, I just wanted to use something different. I agree with the background being distracting though. TBH, I've not been feeling very inspired lately. I think my time in Los Angeles sucked the life out of me for a while and I'm still trying to recover. lol.

But great job on judging! It was a fun topic. Congrats to @tizeye and looking forward to the next one.

Get your backside back over here.... We'll recharge the inspiration tanks for you.
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