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He last wrote on Tuesday:

"Contest is closed!
I’ll judge and post within 24 hours.

9/21 Edit - sorry very busy , I’ll still try judging by cob 9/21"

I can see why participants are now getting impatient, given that it is well beyond "close of business" on September 22nd....

Maybe we need to rethink some things about the weekly contest -- make it every two weeks? Take a break from it altogether for a while? Something else?
I usually just enter this contest just to see how my images are viewed/stack-up by others and never really expect to win. I find no rush to enter the next contest and people do get busy. Heck, there are times I forget to check the competition results until it is a couple days later than the end date.
I think at this point @Clix Pix needs to step in and do the judging. There is a reason that second place is also the back-up judge.

As to changes I've been thinking a better thread title might be something along the lines of: "The 7 Day Photo Challenge". My reasoning being that it is a week for entries and plus another 2-4 days waiting for results and the next posting. And it really is more of a challenge than a contest as it hopefully (at least sometimes) pushes us outside of our comfort zone to try something new. Or maybe the challenge is sorting through our archives to find that almost forgotten shot that fits the billing.

I very much like having the winner select and judge the next topic. I think for most of us trying to compare several widely different images and pick the one that is at the same time on topic and the best of the bunch is also quite a challenge.
I think at this point @Clix Pix needs to step in and do the judging. There is a reason that second place is also the back-up judge.

As to changes I've been thinking a better thread title might be something along the lines of: "The 7 Day Photo Challenge". My reasoning being that it is a week for entries and plus another 2-4 days waiting for results and the next posting. And it really is more of a challenge than a contest as it hopefully (at least sometimes) pushes us outside of our comfort zone to try something new. Or maybe the challenge is sorting through our archives to find that almost forgotten shot that fits the billing.

I very much like having the winner select and judge the next topic. I think for most of us trying to compare several widely different images and pick the one that is at the same time on topic and the best of the bunch is also quite a challenge.

Clix didn't participate in last week's contest. Why would she judge?
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one late judging hardly calls for a revision of the whole thing.

apparently i am second judge based on last week's contest. if @mtbdudex doesn't come back by noon tomorrow eastern time i will judge.

Sorry @mollyc. Too early in the morning here. I see that pleasant task falls on your shoulders. Have fun!

yep, i already said i'd do it at noon if mike didn't come back.
Sorry guys crisis came up at work , took all my bandwidth
I’ll judge during my lunch hour today

Edit - 11:42am EDT .. judging is now starting ....
12:30 .. reviewed and comments for individual submissions ... finalists under consideration ... have a 1 - 2 zoom , will post complete just after 2pm EDT
Last edited:
I think at this point @Clix Pix needs to step in and do the judging. There is a reason that second place is also the back-up judge.

As to changes I've been thinking a better thread title might be something along the lines of: "The 7 Day Photo Challenge". My reasoning being that it is a week for entries and plus another 2-4 days waiting for results and the next posting. And it really is more of a challenge than a contest as it hopefully (at least sometimes) pushes us outside of our comfort zone to try something new. Or maybe the challenge is sorting through our archives to find that almost forgotten shot that fits the billing.

I very much like having the winner select and judge the next topic. I think for most of us trying to compare several widely different images and pick the one that is at the same time on topic and the best of the bunch is also quite a challenge.

UH---No, thanks!!! LOL!!! I haven't participated in the last couple of competitions and although of course it is not a requirement, I know little about landscape photography or camping in the backcountry. Like most of us I tend to be more enthusiastic about entering and participating in a competition than judging one!
I loved seeing all the submissions and interpretation, thank you all!
Apologize the delay(s) in judging, “Life” happened.

I started this contest with this: Here are 2 definitions of backcountry to get the juices flowing:
What is "Backcountry"? (via google search)
1) A sparsely populated rural region remote from a settled area.
2) Backcountry camping is camping in remote places with no facilities, rather than on campsites. Exploration and escape are the fundamental attractions of backcountry camping.

Now, onto the judging:
15 images...

#1. Hughmac Lovely image, I sense an old soul, the tree, watching over the pond with many stories it can tell …I feel peace and serenity looking at this

#2. Strider64 This old soul of a tree, having served it’s life, is now being returned to it’s surroundings ….

#3. Allyance This …. I love this image!! By itself portrays backcountry , who went by here in ages past?

#4. oblomow Desolation, wilderness, rugged winter backcountry .. I’d love to hear the story on this adventure image

#5. Snowlover Backcountry living, lifestyle indeed! The gently rising smoke conveys a simpler pace of life

#6 tizeye Western style backcountry, I love it. My sons in boy scouts and the have similar camp homemade wood boxes for their gear / supplies.

#7. kenoh Classic backcountry, mountains in the clouds … Definitely need to open up the picture to full screen to get the sense and detail in the picture

#8. OldMacs4Me mountain range in background with the green foreground beckoning one to come and visit eye can wander and get lost here .. and contemplate “what’s out there?”

#9. MrCheeto Milkyway over the windvane guarding the fire pit …. Nightwatch ..

#10. someoldguy arid dry backcountry … the desert …. Epic wide open image

#11. macguru212 desert camping …looking here can’t help wonder what’s the story here?

#12. cogi0490 tiered living style .. carved out of rock…

#13 TheYayAreaLiving ancient woods upreach to heights above ….

#14 Janichsan rural imagery …

#15 Laird Knox MadMax style ..

And the top 3 are ….

3rd place image #11: macguru212 Desert camping in a National Forest fulfills all the backcountry elements clearly

2nd place image #8. OldMacs4Me I kept going back to this image and just love it!

1st place and Winner image #3: Allyance Captures remoteness, ruggedness, wonderment, tranquility, adventure

The 1st place Winner will start a new thread with the topic/theme of their choice, and act as the Judge for that contest. (Winner has 48 hours to create a new theme, after that it defers to 2nd place).
Thank-you for the win, totally unexpected! My wife surprised me one weekend by going on a mystery trip, we ending up in Eagles Mear, PA. This photo was taken on a walk through the surrounding woods.

Now what do I do? Give me a little time to come up with a new theme.
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