So, complication has arisen. I cant take it any further without ruining someones job.
Turns out, my niece (by marriage) took the image off of Facebook. Emailed it to her cousin (other side of her family) who gave it to her pal to print on canvas - the pal works in the photo department at Boots. See where this is going?
Apparently, what has been happening, is her pal has been ignoring the images sent from head office to put on display, and has been printing pictures of her friends and family - for years.
SHE printed the image on the canvas and put it on display. By doing this, in a few months, next time they refresh them, she takes it down and gives it to my neice for free. So my niece gets £34 of canvas for free.
SO... I now can't do anything because if I kick up a fuss, this gets exposed and the pal, the pal twice removed, loses her job. I am not that upset about it to cause someone to lose their job.
What narks me is her justification 1. It is not my profession so they didnt think it mattered. 2. I hadn't watermarked the picture so how was she to know. 3. She has been doing it for years
I dont know which one narks me the most and it is funny. Anyone I talk to about it who understands the image is mine, flat out says get it taken down or they have to pay. Meanwhile, anyone who doesnt get it, congratulates me that I have a picture on display in Boots!
I feel like the bad guy now for standing up for my own property and my rights. I need to go take a walk with my camera.