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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2005
At least for now I dont think I'm gona get a macbook. Mainly because of seing this thread
here. It seems like a lot of the macbooks are turning colors. I'm not to concerned with the other issues like mooing, coming from a extremly loud pc that I have to blast my tv or music to even be heard over
it. So I'm used to excessive noise allready.

I'm thinking I'll probably wait until sometime in august to see if Apple has fixed these issues expecialy the discoloration. If not I may go with a thinkpad or something with less QA issues and run linux on it(cant stand windows anymore heh).
For what it's worth, my mother's MacBook does not have any problems.

However, I'm starting to have second thoughts about what I purchase.
hrm well I must say they had two white macbooks at compusa and both of them were still perfectly white too. I'm just worried of going out and spending all that money then having that issue show up three weeks later. It seems to be about three weeks untill it shows.
I second dextertangocci, I paid a little extra for the black one, and now I'm glad I did! My MacBook arrives tomorrow, around noon, if FedEx is running on time. Wow, I can't wait! I also got 2 GB of RAM to max it out, which is also arriving tomorrow. In a month or two I'll upgrade the hard drive.
It's been around 2 weeks for me and there's no sign of discoloration or any other kind of "defect" If you want the machine go buy it. I have no regrets.
I've seen quite a lot of horror stories, although I'm fairly confident that it's just a vocal minority. I do plan to replace my mum's Dell with a MacBook in the future (how far in the future depends on whether the Dell's grinding noise manifests into a problem rather than an annoyance) but I don't have any reservations about buying one.

The place I buy my Macs from is great, I suspected something was wrong with my Mighty Mouse I bought from them so I rang them up, and they sent me out a new one almost before I'd finished describing the problem. I expect that if something goes wrong with my MacBook I'd still get great service :)
I bought a white one on the first day they were released, and swapped it for a black one the next day because it was already yellowing. I am sure, however, that they will sort this soon.
netdog said:
I bought a white one on the first day they were released, and swapped it for a black one the next day because it was already yellowing. I am sure, however, that they will sort this soon.

didnt someone say non-acetone nail polish remover cleaned it nicely?
netdog said:
I bought a white one on the first day they were released, and swapped it for a black one the next day because it was already yellowing. I am sure, however, that they will sort this soon.
Me too bought it on first day. This is the only computer I have now. I use it all day. No sign of discoloration at all.
i think i've decided not to buy one either - but not because of discoloration. I wanted the MB to replace my PC desktop, and with integrated graphics it cant really do that.

My 12" ibook does everything other than play games beautifully, and is lighter than the MB.

Why "upgrade" ? sure it'd be faster - but only at stuff that doesnt really matter to me.

The little photoshop I do wouldnt show much improvement because of Rosetta, games arent going to be much better either - so i'll use the PC for that. iTunes, word, & safari work fine on my ibook. So i just bought a new battery for it. Eventually i'll need to replace the ibook (G4 800), I hope apple make something I want before that happens -because i do like osX
Does anyone actually have a photo of this discolouration?

You get a feeling that all it takes is for one person to say that their's has discoloured, and then everyone else starts to look so hard for this effect on their own Macbook that they begin 'seeing things'.
FleurDuMal said:
Ooooh...some of those look bad. Surely these are isolated incidents though? If everyone's Macbooks suffered this fate, there'd by absolute uproar! :confused:

I'm gonna take a guess and say it was a bad batch of plastics used on these models. Any similarity in the serial numbers?

FYI, my Macbook is about 2 weeks old now and still white as snow... hopefully it stays that way :)
MB Buyer? said:
i think i've decided not to buy one either - but not because of discoloration. I wanted the MB to replace my PC desktop, and with integrated graphics it cant really do that.

My 12" ibook does everything other than play games beautifully, and is lighter than the MB.

Why "upgrade" ? sure it'd be faster - but only at stuff that doesnt really matter to me.

The little photoshop I do wouldnt show much improvement because of Rosetta, games arent going to be much better either - so i'll use the PC for that. iTunes, word, & safari work fine on my ibook. So i just bought a new battery for it. Eventually i'll need to replace the ibook (G4 800), I hope apple make something I want before that happens -because i do like osX

You sure do complain alot.
It's never a bad idea to wait for a 2nd revision in a new product. I personally have been waiting for the right notebook for me to be released and it was with the black macbook so I took the leap and bought anyways, and I absolutely do not regret it as I've had zero issues.
Of course if the next black macbook is released with the claim Fingerprint Free! then I'll probably experience a little buyers remorse ;)
Yet another "issue" blown absurdly out of proportion by message boards. I've yet to see this issue on any macbook, including the white one I've had for 3 weeks. There are always going to be people with problems, and they're often very vocal. But this is a very limited problem. To not buy a macbook because of this is silly, to put it mildly.
Good choice mrweirdo! I though i was going to by a MacBook as well until i seen the glossy screen. Im going to buy a thinkpad as well and run linux. What thinkpad to you plan to buy, and wht version of linux to you plan to run? I tried Ubuntu 5.10 on one of my older computers but couldnt get the wireless to work for the life of me.
QCassidy352 said:
I've yet to see this issue on any macbook, including the white one I've had for 3 weeks.
Same results here ... mine's still white (and the more I use it, the more I love it!)
Core Trio said:
You sure do complain alot.

they sound like legit issues

the macbook would be much better if it had dedicated graphics, but overall it still seems better than a similar pc laptop with integrated graphics
63dot said:
they sound like legit issues

the macbook would be much better if it had dedicated graphics, but overall it still seems better than a similar pc laptop with integrated graphics

It's a great machine, honestly. I believe it's the best reviewed laptop on all of PCWorld at the moment.
Display models at Apple store.

I've been really worried since hearing about the MacBook discoloration problem as I was just about to purchase the midlevel white model. I've since been leaning more towards the black even though it cost a bit more. Anyway the point of this message is that I went to the Apple store in Tysons Corner VA yesterday with the express purpose of looking for discoloration. I figured if it was due to dirty hands, the Apple store displays would be awful. However I was suprised to find that none of the 12+ display models showed anything near the problems in the message board pics. Unless the store frequently swaps out the MacBooks once they become discolored (an expensive proposition), I didn't see evidence of a massive problem. Given how messed up some of the OS installs were, I don't think they are swaping the computers. I'd be very interested if the display models at other Apple stores or retailers like CompUSA are showing this discoloration issue. Oh well, just an observation. I've got more contemplating to do before making this purchase. :)
"But this is a very limited problem. To not buy a macbook because of this is silly, to put it mildly."

Unfortunately, no one knows how widespread the problem actually is since Apple is not addressing it. It could be limited to some bad plastic. Limited to specific body chemistry reaction. Limited to assembly conditions at factory. But obviously it is occurring. And Apple's response that "we've never heard of this before" is disingenuous, to say the least. It may not affect computer function, but it definitely affects resale value. Until Apple announces that it's on top of the problem, and will take care of it for buyers, buying would be silly, to put it mildly.
gloss said:
It's a great machine, honestly. I believe it's the best reviewed laptop on all of PCWorld at the moment.

I am leaning slightly more towards an Intel iMac over the Macbook right now, and both machines will seem better once more third party software titles and internet downloads work natively with the Intel based mac.

If the Macbook had dedicated graphics, then it would be a toss up. My iBook, Rev A, had dedicated graphics, and at the time it allowed me to run photoshop 5.5 quite nicely...but of course, the later versions of photoshop would have been too much for the machine.

I don't think anybody would even consider trying to run photoshop on a machine without dedicated graphics, and without a photoshop version geared directly for an Intel mac.

I wonder if anybody here has used photoshop on their new Macbook because that would really be the proof in the pudding since I trust you guys and gals much more than I do reviewers or Apple's own take on a new machine.
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