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mccldwll said:
Unfortunately, no one knows how widespread the problem actually is since Apple is not addressing it. ... Until Apple announces that it's on top of the problem, and will take care of it for buyers, buying would be silly, to put it mildly.

Almost everyone talkign about this issue only knows about it from seeing pictures online. And most of the pictures getting linked are the same ones over and over again. Ask the MB owners on this board... see how many report this issue. :rolleyes:

As for apple taking care of the issue should you happen to get unlucky (highly unlikely, IMO) - they will. Even if apple hasn't acknowledged this officially, just take it to a store and show it to a mac genius. They will absolutely issue a repair or replacement order. In my experience, going to an apple store produces great results, as most of the people there genuinely love macs and want to help customers. They've taken care of me when I had much lesser issues than this.

63dot said:
I don't think anybody would even consider trying to run photoshop on a machine without dedicated graphics, and without a photoshop version geared directly for an Intel mac.

I wonder if anybody here has used photoshop on their new Macbook because that would really be the proof in the pudding since I trust you guys and gals much more than I do reviewers or Apple's own take on a new machine.

photoshop actually has almost nothing to do with the video card. My friend is a pro photographer and uses a quad (and maxes out the processors!), but didn't even bother to upgrade the video card. He coulda downgraded it, actually. Graphics cards matter for 3d - games or video. Their effect is practically zero on 2d photoshop editing.
Core Trio said:
You sure do complain alot.
That was a stupid, senseless post which should be removed, and I say that having made more than my share of stupid, senseless posts which were removed.

That said, I wouldn't let discoloration deter me from getting a MacBook, especially considering that white isn't the only color choice you have.
63dot said:
I don't think anybody would even consider trying to run photoshop on a machine without dedicated graphics, and without a photoshop version geared directly for an Intel mac.

I wonder if anybody here has used photoshop on their new Macbook because that would really be the proof in the pudding since I trust you guys and gals much more than I do reviewers or Apple's own take on a new machine.
Dedicated graphics has absolutely no effect on Photoshop performance. See here

The 2 GHz MB was 4% slower than the 2 GHz Intel iMac. Probably the slower disk drive accounted for most of that.

As for discoloration - my wife uses her MB in clamshell mode, attached to an external monitor and keyboard and mouse, so the built in keyboard hasn't been used much. There is no discoloration, so the reports of this are probably due to something on or in the user's skin rather than something inherent to the MB like heat affecting the plastic.
"As for apple taking care of the issue should you happen to get unlucky (highly unlikely, IMO) - they will. Even if apple hasn't acknowledged this officially, just take it to a store and show it to a mac genius. They will absolutely issue a repair or replacement order. In my experience, going to an apple store produces great results, as most of the people there genuinely love macs and want to help customers. They've taken care of me when I had much lesser issues than this."

If that's the case, wonderful. I don't question the mac store people, but not sure how much authority they have in matters such as this.
I'll buy one today if local apple store will guarantee repair/replacement should problem develop within first few months (people experiencing problems now could be canaries in the mine). Historically, however, issues such as this have been considered cosmetic (inconsequential) and/or buyer's fault/problem.
marchcapital said:
Good choice mrweirdo! I though i was going to by a MacBook as well until i seen the glossy screen. Im going to buy a thinkpad as well and run linux. What thinkpad to you plan to buy, and wht version of linux to you plan to run? I tried Ubuntu 5.10 on one of my older computers but couldnt get the wireless to work for the life of me.

Ubuntu has an amazing upgrade cycle, I would stick with that if I were you. I have tried a few distros (on my PB) and NONE compare to Ubuntu (or Kubuntu if you like KDE) and since you tried it 5.10 (breezy badgar) they have come out with 6.06 (Dapper Drake) and it is GREAT! SO much improvement (too much to list)... I use it on my PB quite a bit (still not more than OSX) and they have AirPort extreme working (not out of the box yet, but it is easy). I imagine the ThinkPad would be supported nicely. My iMac (when I get it) will definately have a partition for Ubuntu...
QCassidy352 said:
Almost everyone talkign about this issue only knows about it from seeing pictures online. And most of the pictures getting linked are the same ones over and over again. Ask the MB owners on this board... see how many report this issue. :rolleyes:
I agree.

Seems like a lot of folks are talking about it, but I haven't seen a thread yet where there user after user saying that they have the yellowing issue.

Is there a poll in the forums here about this yet? :)
someguy said:
That was a stupid, senseless post which should be removed, and I say that having made more than my share of stupid, senseless posts which were removed.

That said, I wouldn't let discoloration deter me from getting a MacBook, especially considering that white isn't the only color choice you have.

heh you're probably right, but its still there.

Anyway, the discoloration issuse on the MB seem to be an isolated incident as the pictures I keep seeing everywhere are all the same ones, and it seems that the general concensus around this thread is that all that own their macbook are happily computing with a monochromatic macbook
sethypoo said:
I second dextertangocci, I paid a little extra for the black one, and now I'm glad I did! My MacBook arrives tomorrow, around noon, if FedEx is running on time. Wow, I can't wait! I also got 2 GB of RAM to max it out, which is also arriving tomorrow. In a month or two I'll upgrade the hard drive.

Hmm... you mean that, while the white one might change its colour over time, the black one is already ugly to begin with? (I had a look at it in the Apple shop, I'd never get a black one)
I been reading other forums and it doesnt seem to be a minor case, however doesnt seem to be widespread either. It definately is effecting more people than say the flaking issue on the black macbook.
wako said:
I been reading other forums and it doesnt seem to be a minor case, however doesnt seem to be widespread either. It definately is effecting more people than say the flaking issue on the black macbook.

There was never a flaking issue on the black MacBook. One guy posted a photo on his blog that he though might have been flaking. He later admitted that it could have been dirt or grime... he didn't really check. The black MacBooks are not painted black, so there's no paint to flake off.
If you're worried about a whine and you're used to excessive noise coming from your PC, I'd guess you wouldn't even hear the Macbook. Apple computers are 100x quiet than any PC I've ever encountered.
aristobrat said:
I agree.

Seems like a lot of folks are talking about it, but I haven't seen a thread yet where there user after user saying that they have the yellowing issue.

Is there a poll in the forums here about this yet? :)

I was wondering about the poll too. It may be a good idea to make one just so people can get an idea of how widespread this is.
plinden said:
Dedicated graphics has absolutely no effect on Photoshop performance. See here

The 2 GHz MB was 4% slower than the 2 GHz Intel iMac. Probably the slower disk drive accounted for most of that.

thanks for the link

i still like the imac for my purposes...the low adobe scores are rosetta for sure but that will be fixed soon enough with cs3...i remeber when people were swearing that rosetta was not an emulator but i knew better
went back to compusa tonight to check and see if there was any inssue with discoloration on the white macbook. None as far as I could tell except for the trackpad itself being slightly ofwhite from all those hands touching it(quite posibly dirt that would come off with a proper cleaning). Its starting to look more of a rumor(since all the picts are the same) or mayby some people are trying to get free upgrades to black macbooks or something out of apple. I'm tempted to head over to amazon because of its 30day return poilicy and order up a macbook even if I have to wait quite some time for them to get them in stock again and ship it to me.

As far as thinkpad runing linux went I would probably use ubuntu 6.06 LTS as out of the many linux distos I have tried it is my fav.
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