mccldwll said:Unfortunately, no one knows how widespread the problem actually is since Apple is not addressing it. ... Until Apple announces that it's on top of the problem, and will take care of it for buyers, buying would be silly, to put it mildly.
Almost everyone talkign about this issue only knows about it from seeing pictures online. And most of the pictures getting linked are the same ones over and over again. Ask the MB owners on this board... see how many report this issue.
As for apple taking care of the issue should you happen to get unlucky (highly unlikely, IMO) - they will. Even if apple hasn't acknowledged this officially, just take it to a store and show it to a mac genius. They will absolutely issue a repair or replacement order. In my experience, going to an apple store produces great results, as most of the people there genuinely love macs and want to help customers. They've taken care of me when I had much lesser issues than this.
63dot said:I don't think anybody would even consider trying to run photoshop on a machine without dedicated graphics, and without a photoshop version geared directly for an Intel mac.
I wonder if anybody here has used photoshop on their new Macbook because that would really be the proof in the pudding since I trust you guys and gals much more than I do reviewers or Apple's own take on a new machine.
photoshop actually has almost nothing to do with the video card. My friend is a pro photographer and uses a quad (and maxes out the processors!), but didn't even bother to upgrade the video card. He coulda downgraded it, actually. Graphics cards matter for 3d - games or video. Their effect is practically zero on 2d photoshop editing.