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macman2790 said:
theres also a big chance that the upcoming macbook pro cant be used as a portable stove

Personally, that is the chief reason I am holding out.
That little picture on the apple site...

... The one picture on the main page, which had the ipod in it's dock, with a latop open at the same angle, seeing both side on, with the laptop's screen and the ipod parallel -
I know it's nothing, but ipod video, movie store with MBP "today" release could be fun.

Someone already did the calulations for a HD movie - 2Gb or so for a full movie in 720dp HD - Could put a few on a new ipod, no? It's a start at least. 100 movies on an ipod, before next years out?
Does anyone think that Apple will put the 8X Dual Layer Super Drive in the 15" MBP once it gets updated? That's pretty important to me.

MattDell said:
Does anyone think that Apple will put the 8X Dual Layer Super Drive in the 15" MBP once it gets updated? That's pretty important to me.


It better make beer, slice bread, walk the dog, and clean my house after all this waiting.
The OP title: "...all this waiting worth it?"

Kind of depends on how much MORE waiting is involved and WHAT features are finally released. Many of us have been beating this issue around since before WWDC, way tooooooo long.
rtharper said:
It better make beer, slice bread, walk the dog, and clean my house after all this waiting.

Ditto. And look at what happened today! iMacs and mini's but no MBP updates! Like, is it ever going to happen! I've been waiting since before WWDC. I really thought that WWDC was going to be the day. Because they pushed it back and all (from July to Aug). And I'm growing more and more frustrated everyday. Especially after today's annoucement. The MBP should have definately got Merom at the sametime, or before the rest of the line up! I am so mad right now, that I might just go out and buy an iMac, or maybe a Macbook, just to get my fricken free iPod nano (college student special offer), which I highly doubt I will recieve since Merom is taking soooooo long to hit the MBP's.....

i think that since the iMac, a "consumer" product now has FW800 and 1gb of RAM standard, we can expect that on the Macbook Pro

What is apple thinking wasting all of those merom chips on iMacs when MBPs could be out the door today.

cant please everyone i guess
seeing that the iMac got dropped from the nano promotion, with a mbp update we will likely see it get dropped as well
MattDell said:
Does anyone think that Apple will put the 8X Dual Layer Super Drive in the 15" MBP once it gets updated? That's pretty important to me.

The reason the MBP doesn't have one already is that the dual-layer drive is too large for the enclosure. Once Apple can get a Superdrive which is small enough to fit, they'll have one in there in a shot. I wouldn't hold your breath for getting one in the upcoming update...
mattthemutt said:
Good question. I've never been able to understand the lengthiness of the upgrade cycle for Apple. It seems as though the other PC manufacturers are on top of the ball, but Apple isn't. No offense to Apple, of course.

Am I wrong, but I thought that the other manufacturers had announced that Merom was available but not shipping for a couple of weeks. If Apple announces soon with units in stock, wouldn't they be pretty much on the same schedule as everyone else?
Meh. Merom isnt as good as people think. I'd rather have got my MacBook when I did and get a several-time increase in preformance than my PC, that wait and get a MacBook which is only marginally faster than the one I could have had. All that at a time when I was gagging for a laptop, and a Mac. I was getting to the point that I was gonna pay my freind to let me borrow his Mini. Seriously. I had enough of Windows.
bep207 said:
i think that since the iMac, a "consumer" product now has FW800 and 1gb of RAM standard, we can expect that on the Macbook Pro

What is apple thinking wasting all of those merom chips on iMacs when MBPs could be out the door today.

cant please everyone i guess

Look again, only the 24" model has a FW800 port. Apple can always argue that you need to buy the 17" model to qualify for that...
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