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lamina said:
With Apple, I've noticed some speed INCREASES when one upgrades. That's the way it should be; an upgrade is actually an upgrade in speed, as well as functionality.
Hasn't always been the case about upgrading speed...7.1->7.5, 7.6->8.0, 8.x->9.0, and who can forget 9.x->10.0, which was also a downgrade in terms of functionality (some of which may never return, like tabbed folders... ;)

However, the strides Apple has made since 10.0.x->10.4.x are amazing in terms of speed. When I first used X (10.1) it was an awful, horrible experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. Even though my hardware has been upgraded, 10.4 has also had a role in the speed increases.
generik said:
It's price tag. If it costs more it must be good!
So funny, yet so untrue when you compare feature for feature...

Personally that you don't have to deal with Microsoft as much;

Who wont let you wipe a drive with windows XP on it.

Who care so much about their customers that they require a good graphics card to get the security features of Vista, especially after every cheap PC for the past few year lacks this.

Who you need permission from to sell your retail copy of windows XP purchased on on ebay (I'm still waiting for it to be official...).

Gotta love em!

More positively about Apple;

Expose, Security, Free Development Tools, The Dock, iSync, Grapher (i'm a maths student)...
The dead-sexiness of my PB's 17" screen, its beautiful, clean, aluminum case, the way the apple on top lights up...Mmm hmm! :p :D Ok, I'm done :eek:
For me, I think its using a powerful Unix OS with a sweet GUI. Sure, I am coding all day work wise, but using a nicely layed out cool looking GUI helps a lot.

Funny thing is, since I have switched I find my self a little more productive. I don't get as side tracked like I did with windows. Why ? Well, think about it, having to run virus scans, spyware scans, defragging, rebooting, driver issues, crashes, etc.

I am suprised how much it adds up over time.

On a side note, I have managed to make my MBP lock more then once. OS X REALLY doesn't like PHP infinite loops. Locked the entire system for 4 minutes, until it timed out.

- Expose
- Being able to open a terminal with UNIX behind it
- Expose
- The spinning cube effect when switching users/login in
- Expose
- The visual effects associated with the dock (genie, zoom, etc)
- Expose

i dont have a mac, but if i did it would probably be iLife bc its the really easy to use and fun.
This (stock 1.83 MBP) is my first (real*) Mac, and I love it.

The thing that gives me the warmest, fuzziest feeling, is when I was trying to figure out how to get a picture posted on iChat on my desktop. After looking around for everything, I figured out all you have to do is drag it.

I love things like that. When to move a file, you just drag it. Amazing.

I've been using Windows for over ten years now, so everything is nice.

I also love that to uninstall a program, you drag it to the trash can. Also, it's nice when all the iLife apps can coexist and you just open the Media thing and drag stuff in.

* I bought a used 400 MHz PowerMac G4 off of eBay, and it died after two weeks.
The external design is great, but I really stand in amazement of the total integration of the software, how well it fits together, from Cocoa to iLife these all seem to slip into one another. The machine is built on technology non of the competitor have advanced too. Thats why this platform rocks. Who else could make shared memory integrated graphics rock.
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