There is a number of naive people posting here quoting the MDM saying it does not do this and it does not do that. Tens of thousands of companies/businesses are caught lying about what they do. Apple, Microsoft, Google, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Whatsapp, Ford, Vauxhall, banks (to many to name), Insurance companies (too many to name) and the list goes on and on, have all been caught out lying regarding saying one thing and doing another.
How many times have we seen companies being taken to court either by their employees or by government bodies because they have issued documents/procedures/policies/terms and conditions telling employees and others what the company will not do but then is found to have lied and done the complete opposite.
Those notices from Intune about what they don't do is not worth the digital screen time it's displayed on because companies will lie and continue to lie until they are found out.
If people believe that MDM's are true to their word and they do not collect data from devices then that is your prerogative but based on past years of media articles on companies being exposed as liars I choose not to believe everything I read.