Sorry, VespR, I didn't mean any offense, it's just that I have read lots of threads on when iPad 2 will be released, and it seems rather elementary to me, but that's just me and I didn't mean to come off harsh.
But to your additional points, Steve's "one more thing" was about i
Phone 4 not i
OS 4. Facetime might be a main feature of i
Phone 4 but that isn't to say it's the main feature of i
OS 4, can we agree? They are pretty far from one in the same, and even though iOS4 shipped with the new phone, it was released for 3G/GS and later gen iPods a few days earlier on the 21st, so it is on way more devices at this point than there are iP4s in existence.
And those folks that want to have a Facetime chat with the grandparents Christmas morning would
love a shiny new iPhone, wouldn't they? And Steve and the Gang would
love to sell another iP4 to granny so she can talk to the grandkids, right? It's only iPhone to iPhone at this point, so if I want to video chat on my phone with a loved one around the world, we
both need the device, so make it a double! That'll pad Apple's bank account a fair bit, now won't it?
And regarding the release date, whether it's now, 2 months from now, 3 months from now, what's the difference? I still feel that it's entirely way to soon from a business standpoint. And regarding the holiday season, half of Apple's refreshes happen outside of the holiday shopping window from my memory, and with business booming, they hardly need an excuse to sell more magical products. Just my two cents, and again, I mean no offense.