I remember those days and the whole vibe then something changed. I would always get the lighting right, music and seating. Open the book and WTF!!!! my vision had changed to the point that I needed reading glasses and that was an easy fix. Then, I moved. Moving 300+ books required a lot of big boxes and I already had 4 floor standing 5 shelves book shelves.
I enjoyed my reading world but reality of vision and space was unrelenting
I had to try the Nook. I got to luv the Nook(years ago)and so did airplane seats. After losing 2 Nooks, I broke down and got the 5th gen. iPad whose sole purpose was for books. It took sometime for the change but I can now carry all my books on the iPad and reading is still a joy.
I understand the romance of a book with paper pages and I understand the romance of the tablet. In time grasshopper so will you.