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Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Am I sposed to feel better now?


This is kind of my Post Your Last Purchase. Grip for my XSi, Tamron 28-75 2.8 and the 100 mm macro.



macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2009
iMac 21.5" (3.06GHz C2D, 4GB RAM) with Aperture 3, iPhoto '09, and Photoshop CS4. If I'm using this computer for something else I'll use my PC, which packs a lot more power than this machine. On the go I use my netbook with CS2.


macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2008
Hardware; Unibody 15" MacBook Pro with a 2.4 GHz processor, 4GB RAM, 500GB 5400rpm harddrive and I also use my Samsung T260 monitor. I also have the Mighty Mouse, but so far I haven't found it too good for editing. Maybe I'm not used to it enough yet, but whenever I edit pictures, I take out my Logitech v470.
Software; I use Aperture 3 for the majority of my editing, but I'm planning on finally using my copy of Photoshop CS4 soon, but don't want to invest too much time into it now, cause I have exams coming up soon.
Overall, the experience is really good. I love the 15" screen, much better than the 13" MacBook I had before, yet it is still practical enough. I also love how it has 2 graphics cards, it really does help the performance when I'm editing on my external monitor (which doesn't happen all too often, I mostly have my PS3 turned on on it :rolleyes: so much for preparing for exams).


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2008
London, UK
2009 Mac Pro
2.93Ghz Quad Core
1TB 7,200rpm HDD
ATi 4870
23" ACD & 22" Dell P2210H in portrait

I want to push for SSDs at some stage, but they're still too expensive. Oh well! I use Aperture 3 and CS4 Design Premium.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 10, 2008
i use the computer in my sig, which now has the intel ssd! :) I also use the apple cinema display.

I have 4gb ram but the next thing will be to go to 8.

I use CS4, mainly PS and indesign, with some illustrator. I am taking a masters in town planning so I do a lot of urban design work and illustrations for design proposals.

I am starting to get into lightroom now and use iphoto as my main storage area.


macrumors G3
Apr 6, 2007
Portland, OR
Macbook Pro 15.4 inch
500GB hard disk (only 5400, will upgrade to an SSD as soon as a 512GB SSD at a good price comes around)

I have that hooked up to a 24 inch Asus monitor. I mostly use CS4 and Aperture.


macrumors 68020
Nov 30, 2004
2007 17" MBP (HD display)
2.4 GHz

Funny, I thought I had 4GB RAM. No wonder it's a bit slow sometimes. It was top of the range when I bought it!

I use mostly iPhoto 08, waiting for the next incarnation of iLife before I upgrade. I also have Photoshop CS4 but I'm not very good with it at the moment. I bought the CS4 Design Standard last year as I could get it with an educational discount and I use InDesign a lot. One day, when I have more time :rolleyes: I will learn CS4 but, on the whole, I prefer the Apple tools.


macrumors 601
Jan 15, 2008
Holocene Epoch
Mac mini 2GHz/4GB/500GB with two FW800 external drives (one for Lightroom/Aperture, one for Logic/PT LE) and SanDisk FW800 CF card reader. For on-the-go stuff, a Blackbook 2.2GHz/4GB/320GB . Both running Leopard. Works for me.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2008
I use a 17" UMBP hooked up to a Dell 2209WA. Lightroom and CS3. For most stuff it works just fine but LR struggles with my 5DMK2 21MP files.

I did have a 27" iMac but returned it until they figure out the screen issues. If the future of LED IPS panels is color gradient I'll just stick with LCD.....


macrumors 68030
May 24, 2007
I have a 2.53 Ghz Mac mini and 23" ACD. I use Lightroom 1.4.1 and Photoshop CS2.

All is well with that set up, not that I REALLY know what I'm doing!


macrumors 603
Oct 22, 2007
An Island in the Salish Sea
2008 Octo core Mac Pro. Nothing special with the hard-drives or video card, but I have 12 GB of Ram. I noticed a sizeable improvement going from 8GB to 12GB.

I use CS3, with Lightroom 2.6. I've set a Lightroom preset to export photos to iPhoto on occasion. I like some of the packaged stuff that iPhoto can do (books, cards, etc) - mostly for family and personal stuff.

I'm more of a fine art photographer now, so I take multiples of photos and use PS to merge, slice and dice, and manipulate them. It's not unusual for me to have a file that is 2 to 4 GB big. I don't use filters much, but lots of layers and masking.

My old 1.8 ghz (?) Mac Mini with 1GB of RAM was asked to work with files that went up to 1GB. Man, was that slow. I was worried about losing work so I saved frequently. I could go and make myself a coffee while it was saving - including grinding the beans. I'm not kidding. But not once did that wee little beastie crash while I was working in PS.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
13" Macbook, from back when you could choose white or black. 4 gigs of ram, average hard-drive. Trackpad for now, though I used a Wacom for awhile. Getting one of my own Monday.

Bridge and Photoshop for image editing.


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
Alpine, UT
2008 2.8x8 MacPro, Stock ATI Card, 10GB RAM, 3.5TB HDD (2x1TB RAID for Boot + Photos), it moves along just fine. However, since jumping to the 5DII and 21MP, that ATI just isn't cutting the mustard, hoping to upgrade to a much much better GPU soon.

Oh, PS CS3, Aperture 3.


macrumors member
Jul 9, 2008
2008 Octo-Mac-Pro, 10 GB RAM, 24" HP LP2465 Monitor, still stock (2600XT) graphics but more than happy to exchange if it would make sense (any advice? :rolleyes:) and MBA Rev C for 'in the field', Aperture 3.01, NIK Tools, Photomatix Pro


macrumors 603
Jul 11, 2008
I use my Windows 7 64-bit computer. Outfitted with a GTX 260, 4 GB of RAM, i7 860 Quad-Core 8 thread CPU and 1TB hard drive. Lightroom 2 and Photoshop CS4 are my only tools. A 23" Samsung monitory attached.


macrumors 68020
Mar 13, 2008
London, UK
2008 Octo-Mac-Pro, 10 GB RAM, 24" HP LP2465 Monitor, still stock (2600XT) graphics but more than happy to exchange if it would make sense (any advice? :rolleyes:) and MBA Rev C for 'in the field', Aperture 3.01, NIK Tools, Photomatix Pro

I'd probably step up to an ATI 4870 upgrade card over the 2600 - Aperture uses the GPU for processing, and so does CS4 (and CS5 will do so even more). Definitely the weak point of the 2008 models.


macrumors member
Jul 9, 2008
Thanks for the advice Peskaa, I was thinking about the upgrade quite a while. I think it's a good next step after I put in the SSD as boot drive which made a big improvement, even if I still use HDD for the pictures.


macrumors newbie
Dec 25, 2009
15 inch Macbook Pro (2.4GHz), 4 gigs DDR2 Ram, 500 gig 7200 RPM HD Aperture 3, Photoshop CS4, AutoPano, 23 Samsung HD display, Wacom Bamboo Tablet, 5 different external drives for back ups

The next thing i am going to add is a 2-4 TB NAS with web access so i can access my photos when I am with clients thru my iPad (when I get my hands on one).

Patrick M.
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