I believe raw speed is very useful in todays computers. If you look at some of the complex calculations that has to be run for neutronics (e.g. nuclear reactors) what used to take a month or more to calculate, now takes weeks. This saves companies tons of money which in the long run lowers the cost of your electricity bill (or lines the pockets of the companies execs.)
This type of computing is common when it comes to complex computing in science and engineering backgrounds.
Anyways that's my 2 cents. Other than this I wish computers were never invented. I waste to much damn time on this thing!
If it were a windows machine then I wouldn't use it nearly as much...
edit: As far as personal computing. Gaming is a big deal now which requires a lot of processing power.
This type of computing is common when it comes to complex computing in science and engineering backgrounds.
Anyways that's my 2 cents. Other than this I wish computers were never invented. I waste to much damn time on this thing!
edit: As far as personal computing. Gaming is a big deal now which requires a lot of processing power.