someone remind me wtf i just spent all this money on?.
And the correct answer is, of course, Crapple! Dude, do yourself a favour, get a real puter.
someone remind me wtf i just spent all this money on?.
Actually, it's only $1800. Are you forgetting the $500 you paid for thelogo?
I agree with the OP. That sort of performance is not acceptable. WoW is not an intensive app, especially on what is supposed to be such a high end computer.
Horrible coding. People with high end cards are getting killed FPSwise in WoW.
Yep you're right. On my Windows PC I can run WoW max @ 1920X1200 and get 60+fps, but if I load up WoW on that same Windows PC using the -opengl extension I lose a good 20+fps.
The game really isn't optimized for opengl, alot of work goes into directx.
So im playing wow on my brand new 2.93 4gb ram, 4850 ati card and i decide to boot up fusion and my computer performance goes to complete crap.. wow crashes, adium and safari can barely function fusion obviously taking a while to do anything and i have to force quit wow and wait almost 5 minutes for things to start running smoothly again..
someone remind me wtf i just spent all this money on? my old desktop woulda been fine.
14 day rule still out there? If so, bring it back, and get the base Mac Pro with the ATI 4870.
RAM isn't the issue in this situation though. I've pointed out this fact out twice already.The base Mac Pro has 3GB of RAM which is going to sputter even more than the iMac with its 4GB of RAM.
If he wants super snappy performance with OS X and XP at the same time and also wants to game, etc, simultaneously then he can pony up for a Mac Pro with a butt load of RAM and multiple video cards, which is going to run about $3500 or more not including the display. To get a display comparable to the one on the iMac he can shell out $900 for the LED Cinema.
The base Mac Pro has 3GB of RAM which is going to sputter even more than the iMac with its 4GB of RAM.
If he wants super snappy performance with OS X and XP at the same time and also wants to game, etc, simultaneously then he can pony up for a Mac Pro with a butt load of RAM and multiple video cards, which is going to run about $3500 or more not including the display. To get a display comparable to the one on the iMac he can shell out $900 for the LED Cinema.
RAM isn't the issue in this situation though. I've pointed out this fact out twice already.
I got that beat. Today I spent $30,000 on a new Chrysler.![]()
Then WotLK came out and their shadow code is BS.
Quit complaining. Most PC's, less newer ones specifically designed for it, can barely run Vista by itself. Here you are griping because you can't run OSX and Vista at the same time smoothly. You paid 2300 for a high end machine that runs OSX. If you want to use Vista as well try Bootcamp. Yeah you have to reboot, but it works perfectly fine. Don't blame OSX or Apple because you choose to run shi**y third party software and overload the system.
ha ha! I run Mac-based WoW alongside XP in Fusion all the time! I did it last night! The problem is in trying to run the game *while booting XP*. Booting up takes alllllllll the CPU it can take. Start your Windows instance, and walk away for a few minutes. You'll be fine.VMWare Fusion is going to be very disk and CPU intensive while loading up a virtual machine.
Not to mention the fact I wouldn't want to run it alongside a game.
Actually, it's only $1800. Are you forgetting the $500 you paid for thelogo?
my old desktop woulda been fine.