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First, the iPad is the ultimate travel toy if you fly a lot. An hour or two of iBooks per flight, then perhaps a movie, game, or go online.

When not traveling it's mainly to check email, check out a few websites during lunch, etc. Not fond of typing on it. Although I did purchase a Clamcase pro which feels great, just adds a lot of weight.

I also have a separate iPad for business. This is great for detailing products in a manor that seems to be more accepted by the customer than when you flip open a laptop . . .
CAUTION: Long and potentially boring post! ;-)

Thought I would respond to this to see for myself how valuable the iPad has become. For reference, I am 59 years old, husband, grandfather, professional, geek, and have been on MacRumors Forums for 12 years next month.

When I got the first iPad, I must say that it was a novelty and not terribly useful. But now . . .

MY NOTEPAD — I use Evernote in all of my meetings and take detailed notes. I can go back several years and check what was done. I don’t like typing on a laptop in meetings. It seems intrusive. However, the iPad is perfect and Evernote syncs with my other devices. It is also very searchable.

MY LIBRARY — I now have over 400 books on Kindle and the Kindle app is perfect for reading for hours. Some don’t like the backlit screen for reading, but I don’t mind. Plus, I have all of my books with me anywhere I go. Try that 20 years ago!

MY PHOTO ALBUM — I carry about 1,000 of my favorite photos on my iPad, but I also use Flickr and Loom and I have about 30,000 photos that I can access in moments. Wherever I go, I can show family members the recent vacation pics, or show off pictures of my grandkids.

MY MUSIC — When sitting in a coffee shop, or wherever, I plug in my earbuds and listen to music or podcasts while reading or surfing.

MY NEWS — I use several News apps, plus Flipboard and Pulse and can catch up on the news in a few minutes. I haven’t added magazines to this list, but imagine that would be pretty cool.

MY PRESENTATIONS — While I don’t normally create Keynote presentations on the iPad, I use it two or three times a week to make presentations. Love the “touch and hold” laser pointer built into the package.

MY WORK — I carry many iWork and Numbers documents with me for reference. Again, I rarely create documents on the iPad but edit them and refer to them regularly.

MY HOME INVENTORY — Although I have about 12 databases on the iPad, the Home Inventory is the one I add to/or edit most often. I use Tap Forms to document all of my belongings and take photos to each item (often using the iPad). When I’m shopping, I often use this to remind me of what I own or need. Best use is for insurance purposes though. All of my databases are on the cloud and can be accessed by other devices, but I use them mostly on the iPad.

MY PDFs — All of my more permanent (and longer documents) are sent to iBooks. I have well over 300 of them and they are mostly used for reference purposes.

MY TRAVEL COMPANION — I use Tripit while traveling for schedules and reminders; watch tv and movies on a plane; check my home temperatures on my Nest thermostat; look at several rooms of the house with my Dropcam security cameras; use Alarm Clock for my bedside clock; and sometimes use the gps feature (although I prefer this on my iPhone).

MY LANGUAGE TEACHER — I use two different apps to help me improve in my language skills and one the them teaches me a new word each morning.

MY JOURNAL — I use Momento to “collect” all of my Foursquare, Flickr and Twitter posts and pull them together into a daily journal. I can go back two years now and view my days. I plan to download Day One though this week, after reading the reviews and start keeping a real journal, (which I have never been very good at, so we’ll see). Some have suggested that I try Path, so need to look at this.

MY BIBLE — I now have about 7 translations of the Bible that I can use for reading and reference. Quite amazing how useful that kind of tool has become instead of carrying multiple books.

MY BABYSITTER — When out and about, my grandkids love the games that I have downloaded. It helps them pass the time while waiting for the adults “to finish talking.”

MY FLIGHT CONTROLLER —I’m an R/C Pilot (sounds better than saying I play with toys) and my iPad is my controller for three of my helicopters and a Sphero. Flying the AR Drone with the iPad is SO much better than with the iPhone.

MY BANKING/BILL PAY — I use my banks app to track my expenses and pay bills. I use Check for alerts and reminders.

MY VAULT — I keep my credit card numbers, passport numbers, etc in 1Password and have accessed them many times for reference.

MY TIME-WASTER — For reading Macrumors forums and other techie sites which wastes WAY too much of my time.

MY FAMILY COMPETITION/VISIT TIME — Family members from several parts of the country get online to play several games, particularly AirWings (which I enjoy but never win!). Use FaceTime to talk with family members (but not as often as I should).

MY FANTASY TEAMS TRACKER — Golf and football.

MY HEALTH TRACKER — I use one program to track workouts and another (iHealth) to check my BP and vitals periodically.

MY CAR MAINTENANCE — Use Road Trip to record every gas purchase and service. It reminds me of next service schedules and gives me my gas mileage.

MY CAMERA — Really don’t use the camera in the iPad too much, but take photos of marker boards and paper notes following meetings, and sometimes use it when my regular camera is not available.

WISH . . . I knew how to use GarageBand. WISH I had time to play more games, but probably never will.

I PREFER many things, like calendar, messaging, camera, Twitter, etc. on my iPhone.

I’m amazed how much I use this thing. It is in my hand or at my side, all day long.
Using Pages I'm writing a sci-fi novel on it.

In addition to everything else that I've used it for; surfing, iphoto, imovie (the utility of those is made much greater with the SD and USB adapters),
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I usually dump video and stills from my camera (Nex5n) and edit with iMovie and snap seed respectively. GarageBand for demos and other audio recordings using apogee mic. Safari and dolphin for browsing. The Cnet, CNN, Reuters pro and YouTube apps get their daily dose of usage too.
I use it to:

Take notes in class
Read and annotate research articles
Watch YouTube videos
Browse the web
Check my emails
Play games
In no particular order:

Read via the Kindle or iBooks apps
Light web browsing
Listen to music (Spotify/iTunes Radio)
It was already discussed on other old thread..... Anyway I use it for watching Netflix, check my FB and Tweets. I also take it with me anywhere leaving my 7 months old 15" rMBP at home. :apple:
Mostly for browsing the web and email but also:
  • Alarm clock
  • E books reading
  • Music/instrument apps
  • Banking/bill pay
  • Navigation/traffic
  • Light game usage
  • Remote security
  • Real time bus arrivals
  • FaceTime calls
  • Voice memos
  • Calculator
  • Photo viewing
  • Manage calendar
  • View movies

Wish the iPad was more useful :p
So there have been some pretty garbage threads recently, but I'm curious what everyone's daily usage is like for their iPad and what apps they may use.
Yes indeed. Might as well add one more. :p

I use it to serve breakfast in bed in the morning and to serve wine at dinner. Do a couple lines now and then since the glass is so smooooth once I pick out all the gorilla remnants.
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  • Email
  • Calendar & Reminders
  • Routine Documents*: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote
  • Notes & PDF Markup
  • Photo and iMovie
  • File Management
  • Personal Finance
  • Web Browsing & Research
  • TV and Movie Streaming
  • eBooks
*Note: The iPad can be effectively used to create routine documents with the predefined templates that are built into productivity Apps. With a Bluetooth keyboard and using keyboard shortcuts, more complex documents can be created.

When I have to do some real "Heavy Lifiting", I log into on the family desktop (Mac Mini) and download the file(s). This rarely happens.....actually, I can't remember the last time I needed the desktop because my iPad really could not handle the task at hand. I have the base 2017 iPad (32GB) $300.
File Management
What do you mean by that? Can you expound up it please.

As for my usage (in no particular order)
Reading books

Hope to use it in the near future
PDF management
Photo management
Light note taking
What do you mean by that? Can you expound up it please.

As for my usage (in no particular order)
Reading books

Hope to use it in the near future
PDF management
Photo management
Light note taking

I keep all of my documents and photos in the cloud. Occasionally, I need to move those files around and make new folders. I use the Photo App and iCloud Drive App to handle most of this file manipulation and management. That's all. Not very complicated stuff but my needs are pretty simple. The point is I almost never need to access a laptop or desktop for the functions I listed.
I use my 10.5 Pro for everything, but it shines for drawing--using Pixelmator mostly, but other drawing apps too. I also write a bit in a journal and on social media. For that I use Scrivener, Word, OneNote and others, in conjunction with an excellent Logitech keyboard. Evernote is indispensable on the iPad as well as iPhone and Mac; on the iPad I usually use it while using other apps, so I can take notes. Bill paying and banking is easy on the iPad as the relevant apps are mature. And of course there is video consumption: I've got a folder stuffed with cable network apps, Netflix, Hulu and so forth. My complaint in watching video is that, with the iPad on the coffee table, I have to sit on the edge of the couch and bend over, and this isn't doing my back and neck any favors.
Drawing on procreate
Light blogging
Light web surfing, forum posting
Occasionally watching a film clip
Occasional writing

I still run to my iMac more every day to do everything but draw.

3 months in, feeling like this was a mistake given my light usage.
While I have owned and used iPads before (the 4 and the Air), this is the first time in a very long time that I am using the IPP 10.5 so extensively.

Since I work in the research and advisory field, I have to read a lot of documents and make notes. I also have to write long documents and occasionally make presentations.

The IPP serves as my digital research and notebook. I use the Pencil extensively both to mark up PDFs and to make extensive handwritten notes (I have been trialling GoodNotes and it seems to be working just fine. Bonus is that it integrates well with my OneDrive account). I use it also for wasting an inordinate amount of time reading through forums, Reddit and such like and on YouTube.

And let me say one more thing. Years back I had read the Sherlock Holmes books/ stories. At that time I had built up a mental picture of what I thought Holmes would look like. Subsequent to that I watched a lot of movies and tv shows on Holmes with folks like Peter Cushing, Michael Caine, Christopher Lee, among others, portraying the character. But none fitted that mental picture till I watched the BBC version starring Jeremy Brett and he (at least in the early part of the series when Brett was still well physically) fitted that mental picture totally.

Similarly, I had a mental image of what a tablet should look and feel like. And, I have been through a few - Acer a500, nexus 10, the two iPads I mentioned above and most recently the Surface 3 (non pro). The IPP 10.5 fits my mental picture virtually to a T! I am sure this also contributes to my looking to spend as much time as possible on the device!

Sorry! Those last two paras are pretty much irrelevant to the topic on hand, but I could not resist mentioning it!

Edit: typos
iPad mini for
= all casual consumption
- ebooks
- casual shows and movies
- browsing
- music
= quick productivity
- emails
- calendar
- todos
- messages and calls via continuity
= quickly capturing ideas
- writing
- music

12.9 iPad Pro for
- drawing
- art review and study
- reading scripts
- laptop duties with ASK
- occasional written note taking
- serious shows and movies
- occasional second display for MacBook

My mini stays at home while my iPhone SE takes over its duties out of the house. My 12.9 iPP goes with me everyday to work since I use it mainly for work. I also have a 15" rMBP which I mainly keep at my home desk connected to an external cintiq display. Since it's heavy I only take it out if I need specific desktop software on the go. There is of course functional overlap between devices, but every device has unique crucial function(s) for me, and I use all of them thoroughly. Hoping the mini doesn't get discontinued!
So there have been some pretty garbage threads recently, but I'm curious what everyone's daily usage is like for their iPad and what apps they may use.

Mornings, my iPad is pretty much my newspaper. I use Flipboard to catch up on everything, use Safari to look at some ESPN and SI articles. At work, I'm looking into getting a stylus and a compatible note app to use. Currently I use it more as a time waster than anything else.

At home I use it for a lot of media. YouTube videos, netflix, kindle app for reading.

What about you?
  1. Control a local custom server via a custom app. The server sends messages to iot devices and pretty much does anything you can imagine.
  2. Control up to 30 other iPads (currently only 10): locking the displays, sending devices to apps, locking user in app, sending device to websites, viewing thumbnails on the other iPads
  3. Quick document scanner with iOS11
  4. And all the other normal things; read books, watch movies, decimate entire adventuring parties, play games.
I use it to create Instagram content... Video, Stories, FB ads.

So I use Affinity Photo every day. 2-3 hours a day. I have a top spec brand new 15" Touchbar but I gravitated toward the iPad for content creation.

Why? Convenience of having it anywhere, I can pull RAW files from the cloud and do image retouching. I can color grade and do real composition and export out to Photoshop. I've handled 200 meg files which is fine for social media.

The storage on it is dedicated specifically for social media content creation. I am only waiting for iOS 11 so I can organize better because it is a mess. I use texture files, textures, so I like to organize those. I also have hundreds of 3 to 15 second video transitions and interstitials. It has definitely changed my way of working. I am producing more creative content these days

I also do my editing with LumaFusion. I only use Final Cut if I need a specific Motion 5 template that I purchased.

The analogy I would make --- The best camera is the camera you have one cliche applies here. The best content creative tool is the one you have with you. With the iPad, I can spend 30 minutes retouching while my kids are at swim practice.
Most of my casual browsing is done on an iPad Air 2 with these apps:
  • Safari (reading news, looking for recipes, casual browsing on the sofa)
  • Youtube
  • Reddit (Narwhal)
  • Kindle
  • Files, PDF Expert and Pages (read and go over pdfs and documents for university)
I have considered upgrading to an iPad Pro 10 for pen support and faster usb speeds so I can use it as a raw editor on the go. I would have liked to see an iPad mini 4 updated with pen support to get a portable image editor, alas the mini has been neglected for quite some time now
• safari
• email
• comics
• books
• Netflix
• control surface for Pro Tools
• synth module
CAUTION: Long and potentially boring post! ;-)

Thought I would respond to this to see for myself how valuable the iPad has become. For reference, I am 59 years old, husband, grandfather, professional, geek, and have been on MacRumors Forums for 12 years next month.

When I got the first iPad, I must say that it was a novelty and not terribly useful. But now . . .

MY NOTEPAD — I use Evernote in all of my meetings and take detailed notes. I can go back several years and check what was done. I don’t like typing on a laptop in meetings. It seems intrusive. However, the iPad is perfect and Evernote syncs with my other devices. It is also very searchable.

MY LIBRARY — I now have over 400 books on Kindle and the Kindle app is perfect for reading for hours. Some don’t like the backlit screen for reading, but I don’t mind. Plus, I have all of my books with me anywhere I go. Try that 20 years ago!

MY PHOTO ALBUM — I carry about 1,000 of my favorite photos on my iPad, but I also use Flickr and Loom and I have about 30,000 photos that I can access in moments. Wherever I go, I can show family members the recent vacation pics, or show off pictures of my grandkids.

MY MUSIC — When sitting in a coffee shop, or wherever, I plug in my earbuds and listen to music or podcasts while reading or surfing.

MY NEWS — I use several News apps, plus Flipboard and Pulse and can catch up on the news in a few minutes. I haven’t added magazines to this list, but imagine that would be pretty cool.

MY PRESENTATIONS — While I don’t normally create Keynote presentations on the iPad, I use it two or three times a week to make presentations. Love the “touch and hold” laser pointer built into the package.

MY WORK — I carry many iWork and Numbers documents with me for reference. Again, I rarely create documents on the iPad but edit them and refer to them regularly.

MY HOME INVENTORY — Although I have about 12 databases on the iPad, the Home Inventory is the one I add to/or edit most often. I use Tap Forms to document all of my belongings and take photos to each item (often using the iPad). When I’m shopping, I often use this to remind me of what I own or need. Best use is for insurance purposes though. All of my databases are on the cloud and can be accessed by other devices, but I use them mostly on the iPad.

MY PDFs — All of my more permanent (and longer documents) are sent to iBooks. I have well over 300 of them and they are mostly used for reference purposes.

MY TRAVEL COMPANION — I use Tripit while traveling for schedules and reminders; watch tv and movies on a plane; check my home temperatures on my Nest thermostat; look at several rooms of the house with my Dropcam security cameras; use Alarm Clock for my bedside clock; and sometimes use the gps feature (although I prefer this on my iPhone).

MY LANGUAGE TEACHER — I use two different apps to help me improve in my language skills and one the them teaches me a new word each morning.

MY JOURNAL — I use Momento to “collect” all of my Foursquare, Flickr and Twitter posts and pull them together into a daily journal. I can go back two years now and view my days. I plan to download Day One though this week, after reading the reviews and start keeping a real journal, (which I have never been very good at, so we’ll see). Some have suggested that I try Path, so need to look at this.

MY BIBLE — I now have about 7 translations of the Bible that I can use for reading and reference. Quite amazing how useful that kind of tool has become instead of carrying multiple books.

MY BABYSITTER — When out and about, my grandkids love the games that I have downloaded. It helps them pass the time while waiting for the adults “to finish talking.”

MY FLIGHT CONTROLLER —I’m an R/C Pilot (sounds better than saying I play with toys) and my iPad is my controller for three of my helicopters and a Sphero. Flying the AR Drone with the iPad is SO much better than with the iPhone.

MY BANKING/BILL PAY — I use my banks app to track my expenses and pay bills. I use Check for alerts and reminders.

MY VAULT — I keep my credit card numbers, passport numbers, etc in 1Password and have accessed them many times for reference.

MY TIME-WASTER — For reading Macrumors forums and other techie sites which wastes WAY too much of my time.

MY FAMILY COMPETITION/VISIT TIME — Family members from several parts of the country get online to play several games, particularly AirWings (which I enjoy but never win!). Use FaceTime to talk with family members (but not as often as I should).

MY FANTASY TEAMS TRACKER — Golf and football.

MY HEALTH TRACKER — I use one program to track workouts and another (iHealth) to check my BP and vitals periodically.

MY CAR MAINTENANCE — Use Road Trip to record every gas purchase and service. It reminds me of next service schedules and gives me my gas mileage.

MY CAMERA — Really don’t use the camera in the iPad too much, but take photos of marker boards and paper notes following meetings, and sometimes use it when my regular camera is not available.

WISH . . . I knew how to use GarageBand. WISH I had time to play more games, but probably never will.

I PREFER many things, like calendar, messaging, camera, Twitter, etc. on my iPhone.

I’m amazed how much I use this thing. It is in my hand or at my side, all day long.
@Apple from 2013 for future ad/commercial inquiries! Thanks for posting, this is great
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