I like the new look... not quite 100% sold on the LARGE part of the site, while I agree dropping 800x600 design on a website as anyone you want to target should have left that resolution ages ago... this new version just seems too big. Maybe somewhere in the middle... but, all in all, it looks very nice!
And, I just tried the search, didn't realize it worked like spotlight. I have to say they incorporate a lot of kick @$$ scripts on there site, from the Top Download iPhone'esque sliders, to the Mac@work shingles, to the cover flow Mac selections to the spotlight search, to the half popup QT viewers for the Leopard features....
Dang, that list gets long. It's one heckuva well put together technical site. Lots of code, lots of new things, lots of variations of current things... Apple did what they do best. Microsoft's Website is... well... not like this. At all.
Innovation. Gotta love it!