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Too soon after Christmas. The best thing is for an update in the fall, which would PISS me off and many other people, so they can sell through the Christmas season. If not, sell the current model through the Christmas season and wait til next summer.

How Apple handles the iPad refresh is going to be a delicate situation:

1) refresh this fall for the Christmas is too soon for early adopters
2) refresh right after Christmas makes all those Xmas gifts obsolete

Best time for refresh would be early summer or late spring.

I hope they come out with v2 in November and they add all the requested features and drop the price. That would be sweet and fun for me.
I don't think we'll see a 1080p display, that'd mean a change to the 4:3 aspect ratio, which I can't see happening.
I can forsee a 1280x1024 resolution being totally viable though.
How would we get 1080p in a 4:3 screen?

1080p really means 1920 pixels across. Go to Apple Trailers and download any 2.35:1 movie in "1080p" size. It won't be 1080 pixels tall, it'll be 800 or 816. Download a not-as-wide 1.85:1 movie and it might be 1080 tall, but more likely 1056. They'll all be 1920 across. Those are the two common movie aspect ratios used for the past several decades. Widescreen content for TV will be exactly 1920x1080.

So for 1-to-1 pixels, you'd need 1920 in the larger "4" dimension, yielding 1440 in the "3" dimension: 1920x1440. You can display every pixel of any 1080p movie without scaling. And yes, it will have black bars, but who cares? Given the fact that there are several aspect ratios in use, there is no single perfect size. You either chop off part of the picture -- which can go from mostly harmless to comically stupid -- or there are unused pixels on the screen. The latter is better; it's not like there are more pixels of movie to put there.

Those unused pixels are then put to use when doing anything else other than watching widescreen content.
following specs (trying to be realistic)

-A5(dont know what else to call it) Processor maybe 1.25-1.5 ghz
-512mb - 1gb of ram
-retina display technology (1080p?)
-built-in sd card reader (maybe usb?)
-front facing camera for facetime OR ichat
-12 hour battery life
-1 pound

thats what im hoping for

1, Processor bump, probably.
2, RAM bump, probably.
3, Retina display, hope so but don't think so. To expensive.
4, SD card reader, hope not and don't think so. Would make it ugly. It's not a Mac.
5, Camera, 50/50 personally hope not.
6, 12 hour battery 50/50 hope so.
7, 1 lb. Hope so, but seriously doubt it. I think that they would have to make it out of plastic to achieve that, and if that's the case I would rather it weigh what it does now.
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