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I was drawn to the iPad for the whole 'lean back' experience. I'm looking forward to using it for web browsing, e-mail, ebook/newspaper/magazine reading etc while slouched on the couch.

Most nights I spend a couple hours on average watching TV with my spouse, and they're not always shows I particularly like. (I like shows like 'Fringe' and 'Criminal Minds', he likes shows like 'Psych', and various reality TV and/or CSI-type shows). We each tend to start using our laptops during the shows we're less interested in (Otherwise I'd go nuts the 18th time the camera lovingly focuses on someone shaking a test tube during a CSI show, or some narcissistic reality show "star" bitches about another person and then bursts into tears).

In any case when doing that I end up balancing my laptop on the couch's armrest, or if I'm especially slouched down, on my chest. (My lap is not an option because a very insistent cat is usually already there.) I'm sick of doing a tyrannosaurus rex imitation every time I have to type, and think an iPad would be the *perfect* device for these situations.

Plus, I've always been attracted by the tablet form factor (had a toshiba convertible for a couple years but didn't like needing a stylus and it was still too bulky.) I think the iPad will serve perfectly as my 'lean back' device of choice in these situations. I can't wait!

Wow, I have a very similar situation and want the ipad for the same reason. I have a macbook I currently use, but it gets really hot, the battery is dead on it so it always has to be pluged in, I have to prop it up on a pillow, and the couch is a bit tight with my laptop there, and my girlfriend using her laptop, and a cat also. It will be so nice to just lay back with the light ipad!
I have a technical use question that I would like to pose to you specifically or any one else who has knowledge in this realm. I ordered the Wifi Ipad rather than the 3G for a multitude of reasons that I won't spell out here..but let's say just for giggles that in the future I realized the error of my ways and desired to have that "go anywhere" access. Could I conceivably use my rooted T-mobile G1's (yes I don't have an iphone because I am stuck in 347,000 year contract with Tmobile) 3G access to act as a wireless 3G router for my Ipad?

Use this...

I'm a photographer, and will mostly use it for a portfolio. It's just big enough to make an impact.

What are your favorite photography editing apps? I am not a professional photographer per se, but I do take and use photographs mostly for graphic illustration and event planning. I would love any advise you have. It's always great to know what the pros prefer...
First of all I will be using my Ipad for notetaking. I'm a student and currently I carry a 15" macbook with me each day from class to class together with my other books. It takes up a lot of space in my bag and is way to heavy. My Ipad will be perfect for this.

I will use it for casual internet browsing at home and checking e-mail etc.

I will use it to watch movies. I already prefer watching movies on my iphone instead of on the computer or tv, watching them on a bigger screen will be perfect.

I might use it for reading books. Not sure yet. Depends on whether I can get the right books as ebooks, I only sporadically read books that are open source and most books I already own or would like to have as a "real", so I don't like the idea of buying them twice. The fact that I'm in Europe and that the ibooks with the ibookstore isn't avaible (yet), plays a role in this.

I might also use the tablet for other stuff, but those are the things I have planned on doing with it.
no idea i just buy every new product and somehow, someway end up becoming addicted to it

I'm replacing my MBP, Kindle2, and Dell Mini9 hackintosh with a 64GB + 3G iPad.

I'll retain my existing iMac which will continue to serve (only) as a central storage hub for media/syncing.
How do you use your iPad on a typical day?

This is not an attempt at trolling; I am honestly trying to discover the uses of an iPad beyond Internet browsing/e-mail/videos/iWork/all the other commonly thought of features.

I am considering looking into an iPad, and while I don't doubt that I'd have tons of fun with it, I can't justify paying that much for just a toy right now. I'm not calling the iPad just a toy for everyone, but I'm currently having some trouble thinking of practical uses for it.

So, guys, this is your chance to tell me what apps, 1st party or 3rd party, honestly make tasks easier/more doable, make anything more convenient, or are just generally good for productivity.
What do you use your iPad for?

Besides web surfing, what do you use your iPad for, (at work or at home). Do you think you are getting your money's worth?!?

My kids are crazy for the game Plants Vs. Zombies! I am trying to get used to using it for document viewing at meetings, (instead of printing out all the meeting docs). Also good when the meetings get boring:D.

Oddly enough, I still check mail on my iPhone and not the iPad...:rolleyes:
* Websurfing
* Books
* Games (Plants vs. Zombies is good, but there's a good number of great ones outside of that, as well. And we're talking all types. There's already a group of *involved* games on it, that are actually quite lengthy. Some are worth a good multiple of times their cost. And I'm not even including any of the $10-15 dollar ones, in that assessment. I'm talking some of them being Free to $5 apps that do that.)

* Communication (both via online forums (or facebook)) and voice. I use skype on that thing like it's going out of style. Ok. I lie. I use it a good deal, but when the iOS4 releases on iPad, then I'm going to use Skype on that thing like it's going out of style. In fact, it'll likely become the most common app I'll run in the background. Being able to hold a conversation while playing a game, updating a spreadsheet, art project, or running a news or productivity app would be gold. Multitasking is the best apple-intended promised feature, that I see, in the future. With folders right behind it.

* Art, both drawing and music. (Art programs rock, and some of the music programs are impressive). What's kind of insane is that someone can even use some of that on the job. Some art programs allow you to actually view a public art gallery right from within the app, of all people who made stuff with it. Not only is it great, but you'd almost want to use it and place your iPad somewhere as an art piece. There's at least a couple of turn-table apps that could actually be used by a real DJ to host a party. I've already used one of the instrument apps (Accordion) in a piece I actually put together and distrubuted on Youtube.

* Portable video watching. Iron Man, on the go, and Die Hard were great to watch. Also saw Sherlock Holmes, on the thing. You could watch all three, and then some, and have some hours of battery life left.

* Education. Whether it's because I love the astronomy apps on it. (Star walk) in particular. I also actually love the podcast tutorials. I actually finally was able to actually now understand how the syntax for Object C works, using that stuff. I can now actually code that stuff with some idea of what I'm doing now.

* Professional Music Performance. - I actually do have paying gigs, and some of them deal with music I actually have to read. I now take that music and store it in E-book or PDF form so I can now have a perfect way to turn pages and organize my music without the mess of handling lots of loose pages balanced on a stand. This method removes the physical error-prone aspect of playing and quickly turning physical pages, trying to follow the music. Something that could easily get you lost.
Love using Atomic Browser to surf the web.

I use Pulse for RSS news

I play games sometimes.. got a ton.. (Flight Control HD, Plants Vs Zombies, Need for Speed, Geometry Wars, Flipgrind or whatever it scalled and a bunch more)

I really like FatSecret to track my diet. It's on a cloud server so my iPhone has all the same data which is awesome.

Um.. other than that.. Oh yeah my girlfriend LOVES to play scrabble and sometimes I'll watch videos over AirVideo while shes watching tv in the bedroom.

I use it as my main mail client as well...

I'm happy with the purchase. I use it maybe 4-5 hours a day, maybe even more. It's always with me when I'm home.

"When other people (especially new members) fail to search and start new threads on old topics, don't scold them or make them feel unwelcome. The best way to be helpful is by posting a link to a previous relevant thread. "

"Originally Posted by miles01110
Stop creating these retarded threads."
With so much traffic on these forums, it's very easy for numerous members to miss threads that has discussions similar to which the OP has posted. It's not the end of the forum world to post a new thread that has some relevance to one that's already been discussed.

Heck, if you search hard enough, you're probably bound to find some similarities in every new thread that has been created recently.
Somebody needs a time out so they can learn not to be an ass. I don't care what you are interested in :rolleyes: There is no forum rule to not create these threads.:p. If you don't like it, too bad.

He's got a point, does the op really need 5 topics asking the same question? Why is he so worried about what people are using their ipads for anyway?
I use mine to tell whiners on these forums that they deserve to suffer and that I enjoy their misery.
I use mine as an
a frizby,
a dog toy,
oh to prop up the hood on my car.
No just kidding, mostly web surfing
Translation: "I use mine to whine about other people's whining."

No, stupid. I do not complain or whine about their whining. I want them to whine because I enjoy reading about how they suffer. That is the opposite of whining.

I used to be annoyed by them, but then I decided that they deserve what they are getting and that I should just enjoy hearing about how unhappy they are. Now I am fine with whiners.
Right now I'm using it to surf the web while I ride in a car somewhere in Tennessee. It is a great travel companion.
  • Web consumption
  • Netflix
  • Taking notes in Class (w/ pages & wireless keyboard)
  • Calendar (as scheduler)
  • Emailing
  • Watching Video collection
  • News
  • Forums
  • Bank Account/Check book (security enabled)
  • Reading novels
  • Text books for Class
  • Entering/Checking Grades
  • Online Classes
  • Music (well soon)
  • Stargazing Companion
  • Telescope Viewfinder Companion
  • Checking out places I'd like to be at on HD live cams
  • Directions (google maps)
  • Facebooking
  • Finding new uses EVERYDAY!
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