Interesting how few widgets people seem to have. For me, the dashboard is always ready to provide me with info in a second.
See all that stuff piled together in the upper left? I can get to any one of those five widgets in one click. If I want to capture a thought right now, I want that sticky to be there at a button-click (I have SlideTrack set so that the bottom-right corner of my TrackPad opens the dash). None of this loading a widget stuff.
To the right of that cluster is my cal and calc.
Further right, my observations on wifi operations in the area.
Below, local weather and such. With a flower.
In the center, my searchbars.
Bottom-right, tunes and battery level.
Bottom-center, spare space for trying out widgets. Currently NASA.
Bottom-left, what's on the crapstorm tonight.
Above that, weather for people I know or places I wanna be.
I guess I would characterize this as a "Living room laptop dashboard."
P.S. Just before taking this screenshot, I pressed Command-R on my Weather, and it loaded as daytime at 10:10 PM.