I use widgets and must be using them right because I personally find them useful and helpful.
May be if you are ok with their current limited function. They are just content viewers atm. Nothing one cannot accomplish by going to an app, especially when all you get is a preview in widgets.
I see many people with weather widgets around most of the time. In iOS, after jailbreaking it seems the rage is also centered around having the coolest weather widget. May be some people are really fixed on it, but i live in a place with harsh weather and yet end up deleting the widget after a couple days finding it useless for the most part.
This is not against using widgets however. I did not say widgets are useless, their current functionality is. The flipboard widget, the mail widget, the picture and calendar widgets, the weather, all previews. Cannot even set simple things directly from any weather widget, it ends up taking me into the app.
If people are pleased with their current functionality, i guess more power to them. I would like to see better widgets that matter than simply eye candy. A full page calendar widget that can let me add events right from there. A reminder widget that lets me add and delete tasks instead of launching the app when i touch it. An email widget which can scroll infinitely and even open messages in the widget window. A news widget which allows me to interact with it more, selecting and reading news within.
That is when i will start using widgets, and that is still not the full potential.