Sorry to deviate from the thread again, just wanted to say thank you for the suggestion. I hadn't heard of that program before but it is perfect for this purpose. I listened to Winter 2020 on the PM G4, and you are right, it is one of their best ever. The Pro Speakers also make it pop; it's great.You might have better luck hopping on the Creators Program and grabbing their mp3s; at least the ones available for download-- it looks like 24 of the 26 tracks are available to creators. Interestingly, there's a track on the CD that isn't in the release compilation on YouTube. Your mention of the Pro Speakers has given me the idea of popping it in to the Six Dollar eMac.
I'm mad I didn't pick up Winter 2020's; that one's my all-time favourite.
I have one more question, because I am not well versed at all with Mac OS 9, which I assume is running on your Ti Book. How do you get the dock with the applications on it? Is it a setting, or is it something you installed separately? Sherlock works, but it is slow and it drives me crazy to have a bunch of aliases sitting on the desktop.