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Well, Jobs had grown so rich, he wanted to retire. So he took me to his cabin and told me his secret. "I am not Steve Jobs," he said. "My name is Ryan. I inherited Apple from the previous Steve Jobs, just as you will inherit it from me. The man I inherited it from was not the real Steve Jobs, either. His name was Cummerbund. The real Jobs has been retired fifteen years and living like a king in Cupertino." Then he explained the name was the important thing for inspiring the necessary awe. You see, no one would buy anything from Bill Jobs.


... although, you know, "the Dread Pirate Steve" has a certain ring to it.
But what about the keynotes:(? Will it still be, BOOM, look at this. Turtleneck, jeans and running shoes? Isn't that amazing? Demo time! One more thing...

Nah, it'll be "Bang. Is that not interesting? It is time for a demonstraton! At this time I can reveal that there is one remaining item of interest that I must discuss.
I would write to the Pope and suggest Steve be canonized .... :)

Saint Steve .... that has a nice ring to it .... :cool:

I think it will truely hurt apple. One of the biggest mistakes I feel SJ and apple have made is they made SJ really the only face of apple and SJ is apple. They never seemed to of groomed some one to replace him with out causing a huge deal.
M$ did a good job at remove Gate's face and they never made Bill Gates a huge part of the company. Apple on the other had made SJ a huge part of it and the face of the company. On top of that you have a lot of apple fan boys who treat anything SJ says as the word of god. There is going to be a lot of people out there who will lost and be looking for a god to follow.

When SJ leaves stock prices of apple will take a huge noise dive and I expect apple will suffer for a while in sells. Apple stock right now I think is really over inflated compared to the rest of the industry and it will noise dive with out SJ.
there's something that i don't understand, who decides if the stock goes up or down?? analysts? and on what facts do they choose to let it up or down?

i'm only a teenager so that's why i don't know..

Apple is a publicly traded company (meaning anyone can buy/sell their stock), so the price of the stock is determined by what people are willing to pay for it. If the company is doing well, or has good prospects, or for some other reason is in high demand, people will be more willing to pay more money for it, so the price goes up. If investors get spooked (because the earnings are down, an analyst wrote a report saying the stock is crap, the iCEO dies, whatever) people won't be willing to buy, but lots of people will be trying to sell, so the price goes down.
Apple is a publicly traded company (meaning anyone can buy/sell their stock), so the price of the stock is determined by what people are willing to pay for it. If the company is doing well, or has good prospects, or for some other reason is in high demand, people will be more willing to pay more money for it, so the price goes up. If investors get spooked (because the earnings are down, an analyst wrote a report saying the stock is crap, the iCEO dies, whatever) people won't be willing to buy, but lots of people will be trying to sell, so the price goes down.

thanks for the answer, i understand much more, thanks !
As much as I'd miss the guy, I don't think he's as completely responsible for every single decision, just he's the one who stands up and announces them. Jobs always has been the public face and the charisma behind Apple's following. When apple was formed, Steve Wozniak was the one making the computers, and Jobs was the one selling them. Jobs has a wonderful way with words, and he has the 'RDF'. It would take a HUGE personality to replace Jobs and in that sense, without Jobs, Apple loses its identity. Identity and reputation are the biggest things to any company, and Jobs knows that and tries his best to ensure Apple remains a maker of desirable products. The products may be the same after Jobs has left, but no-one can sell them the way he does!

Statement from Apple Board of Directors on the sudden death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs:
"After the sudden and tragic death of it's co-founder Steve Jobs, Apple's board of directors is pleased to announce the new CEO, another Steve we are sure you know well...Steve Ballmer. :eek::eek::eek:" :D ....Apple stock immediately climbs 10% in value.

Or Apple's Board of Directors appoints Al Gore as iCEO...Apple stock immediately plunges 25% in value, lol.


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Steve should bring his heir apparent into the spotlight before he shuffles off, to give him a chance to bed in.

Like they did with John Cleese replacing Q in the Bond films.

(umm, ...or maybe not)

Or get Stephen Fry in to take over. Now there's a man who needs a few more things to do in his life. I swear sometimes he knows more about Macs and iPods than Mr Jobs himself.
Yeah, cause look at how much we all respect Steve Ballmer.

No, they went through the same issues when Bill stopped being so high profile.

On difference Microsoft never had some one in the same way apple has SJ. Microsoft to me never has seem to have on face for the entire company. Yeah that had Gates but they never used him the same way apple uses SJ. It made the transition a lot easier.

As for respect for Steve Ballmer, well this is an apple forum so really the opinion of him here is pretty much worthless because and lets face the facts people here love to bash M$.

I have never though M$ = Gates and when I think m$ I do not think about Gates. Now apple is the other way around Apple=SJ. When you think of apple you think of SJ.
Steve Jobs will transfer his consciousness into a Mac Pro, and that will become the new CEO. During keynotes, a holographic projection of Jobs will be onstage, controlled by the Mac Pro containing his consciousness.

Trust me on this one. ;)
As for respect for Steve Ballmer, well this is an apple forum so really the opinion of him here is pretty much worthless because and lets face the facts people here love to bash M$.

Not really, I respect Gates, I know he stole alot of stuff from Apple in the early years, but thats really how the market grows...I respect him alot more the Ballmer...thats guys nuts!

Go read up on him!
The day Steve Jobs dies is the day of armageddon. The Zunes will take over!

Seriously, Steve is the life of Apple. Sure, the stock would drop a lot. I'm not sure if Apple would continue to have the same spark it is known for currently. The prime example is when Steve was gone in the 90s. He turned the company around in his return.
True test of influence

A company's stock price depends on the company's long-term expected operational cash flows. This means that investors value the company by what they expect the performance will be in the future.

Now, markets aren't perfect, so if Steve would die, the stock price will drop big time. This effect is even seen for companies with much less visible CEOs. If he would retire; again, stock prices will fall, but less significantly.

This will just be a short-term effect though, because investors will start valuing Apple rationally again. They will ask themselves, how much influence did Steve Jobs have on Apple's performance? How much of his influence will stick? How will his death/retirement affect Apple's expected cash flows?

Within half a year after the terrible event, you'll be able exactly calculate Steve Jobs' influence on Apple in Dollars.
We haven't considered the flip-side to the question this thread poses: How can we help keep Steve alive?

Will buying more of his products help his health, or just his wealth? Should we remind him to wear a sweater over his turtleneck in San Francisco in January? Should we add vitamins to his water bottle during keynotes? Should we look into Mac-based cryonics perhipherals just in case?
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