Good luck with that...NOBODY every agrees about what is the "proper" equipment.
The problem is that cameras are just tools. And they are always about compromise, sorta like cars. With interchangeable lens cameras you can swap out lenses, but then you add tons of gear and complexity. DSLRs have bigger sensors, but more weight. A long telephoto gets you closer, but less light and more jitter. And so it goes. So buying an expensive camera now, when you may not even know what kind of pictures you want to take, is sorta like buying a sports car now, and finding out later what you really wanna do is go offroading.
I'd say buy something cheap and used. Or maybe a bridge camera. I have a couple of interchangeable lens cameras, but I just bought an SX50 superzoom just to take photos with that huge 1200mm reach, and because it can be more versatile to carry than even my compact M43 camera with a kit lens. It has most all the manual controls of a DSLR, so you can learn all the concepts you need to know. And it only cost $200US refurb'd.