While I agree with you, all of that is beyond the "starter in photography." When you buy a camera with a kit lens, that will most likely be the lens you are shooting with most of the time while learning. All of the cameras that he showed me has similar settings but since, starting out you will be shooting mostly on automatic, you need to make sure that the camera can do most of the work for you until you learn.
To the OP, cameras are like cars. When you ask someone what kind of car is best, it's usually what they are driving. A Ford man is going to tell you that the Ford is best and someone who drives a Prius is going to go on about the gas mileage.
I thought that Nikon was the holy grail of cameras. I work in the newspaper industry and I asked the photographers at all our newspapers what they used and why. They just about all used Nikons. The problem was the why. They used Nikons because that is what the newspapers tended to buy and it is just what they always used. I ran into one photographer who owned a Pentax. He swore by it and told me the Nikons were junk. Another time, I found a guy who only would shoot with Canon. He bought it because his father used one. He went on to tell me the benefits of the K series.
I became a Sony guy because that Sony a350 offered me something that the other cameras didn't have at that price range. It had live view, it had higher megapixels, it had plenty of automatic settings and was still programable. The advantage of Minolta's lenses fitting it, helped. My 12-year-old daughter got her first Sony, the Sony a58 for Christmas. After watching a few YouTube videos, she's shot a couple thousand pictures in the last two days.
DP Review Camera Compare. You can use this link to compare up to 20 cameras. Another one that I really like for comparing two models side by side is
snapsort. Just put the two cameras you are thinking about and it will give you some feedback. But remember, you pick the camera that you will be happy with in the end.
No matter what you decide, you are going to love the transition to SLT/SLR.