I'm really torn on a notes app. I'm someone who takes a TON of notes and relies on them throughout the upcoming days, weeks, months, years. Notes can be pretty technical with photos but a lot of notes can be 1 liners or a few lines of code.
I've used everything out there...
Used to be a heavy Evernote user when they first came out then left when their Windows app became unstable (years ago). Their current pricing structure is unattractive to me.
I love Google Keep but HATE how every time I opened the app, it has to sync all my notes (I have thousands of notes) - meaning, if I needed to search for something QUICK.... it won't happen - I'd have to sit there while it syncs everything. Dealing with many notes is cumbersome even with tags (or labels as Keep calls them).
OneNote was great at first but I noticed that it doesn't handle data very well. Also, like sracer noticed, anything I used it on better be plugged in or the battery drained quickly. I had a batch of handwritten notes that I wanted to import - after doing so I noticed the app was using hundreds of megs (even though the PDF files were 1-2mb max). Also the idea of a massive template where I can type anywhere for a small line of text just didn't seem to jive with me.
So I've gone back to pen and paper for the most part. I find I remember more what I handwrite meaning I have to refer to it less and as long as I remember to bring the notebook with me, accessing it is fairly easy. But I don't take my notebooks with me everywhere and really wish I could find a digital note system.
Notability is great but iOS only (I work on Windows). Apple Notes is OK but I lost too many notes due to syncing? problems over the last 4 months that I can't rely on it. OneNote is too big and resource hungry (and I don't have an Office 365 subscription anymore) and I can't get it to work for me. Evernote is too expensive and, as a previous poster noted - probably won't be around for much longer - a lot of people I know have stopped using it. Keep's lack of searching quickly kills it for me.
I so badly want to use a digital notebook... I type super fast... but I just can't find something that works. It's really discouraging.
I resort to scanning in my handwritten pages to PDF via TinyScanner to Google Drive and having work log google document files and Keep for small 1-2 liners. But I don't like it - only good thing with Google is that searching is really good.
Starting to think I should just use Notability and have my Macbook Air running next to my work PC for notes all day...

Bear looked great but again it is iOS only. Notability and Bear interest me the most.