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What do you mean it is limited to two devices? And when did they start that? A year ago or two years ago.
2 devices on one account. IE you can't use it on a phone, a pad, and a mac. And what does it matter when that started? It's in effect now.
I hate to sound rude, but are you doing any research of your own on these apps? You would have found out about this right away.
Of the few you've listed, OneNote is more versatile. It's the one I taught my boss to use since you can draw/write your notes and are not limited to typing.

Shopping Lists; basic stuff > Apple Notes

Projects; work stuff; taking meeting notes on iPad with the pencil which then can refer to later on your laptop etc...I use One Note

Both have their use cases....Apple Notes isn't up to major work stuff, One Note is overkill for a shopping list. I use both pretty much every day.

I also use a combination of Apple Notes and OneNote. Apple Notes is great for simple stuff and quick notes. It integrates with MS Exchange so if you work in an environment with both Macs and PCs, you can still work with one set of notes. On the other hand, OneNote is better for more complicated tasks like lesson planning, project management, etc. It, too, is cross-platform and works great on both iOS and macOS.

For a time, I was using EverNote, but I just couldn't get into it. For me, it seemed like it was deficient in the basic task of, well, note taking. And now that they've moved onto paid subscriptions, etc., more and more people are moving away from it to other alternatives.
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As has been mentioned earlier by others... I too, was a heavy Evernote user... Until they did that dumbass move to limit people to 2 devices... I'm thinking that horribly backfired...

Anyways, Apple Notes is too limited (Apple needs to devote some R&D $ to it).

I've been using Notability, but will give OneNote another shot.

Thanks for the discussion.

Both are free, but Evernote limits you to two devices even on its free tier. That's why so many have moved away from it and exported their (our) notes to either OneNote or Apple notes.
For me it was also the sync amount restriction in the free tier. I never went over it, but I came close a few times and it's just not something I want to have to add to my list of things to keep track of.
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I've dropped EverNote and use a combination of apps, I've not really settled on one specific app, I probably should but so I haven't.
I was a big Evernote user. It was something I started using when it was in beta, and paid premium for years. But this new nonsense is over the top. The only thing I miss is the direct screen cap.
My use of Evernote has screeched to a near halt ever since they limited the number of client devices to two for their basic free service a few months ago. I understand that they consciously did this to generate more revenue, but I was one of those who was not convinced to pony up the extra dollars for enhanced service.

Same here, pretty much. Made the move to OneNote, as I already have an Office365 subscription. Found the transition from Evernote's paradigm somewhat confusing, but eventually I'm comfortable in OneNote. I don't know if the Evernote->OneNote converter is available for Mac now; back then it was Windows only. Converted most of my stuff ok.
I use a combination of and OneNote. (the remainder of my notes are in nvAlt but porting them over to and OneNote)

Notes for basic snippets and OneNote for more detailed notes. The one thing that I've noticed though is that OneNote is constantly syncing while it is open. That can affect battery life... particularly when using OneNote during meetings. I have gotten into the habit of temporarily disabling wifi while using OneNote and re-enabling it when the meeting is over. Microsoft needs to provide some control over that behavior.
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It's made by Apple, so there is no danger of it going anywhere any time soon (if ever). It's always going to be updated and compatible with the latest version of macOS and iOS. They aren't trying to make money with it, so Apple is more inclined to keep it user-friendly.
The one issue I had and my wife has also had is that sometimes my notes disappear from the Apple Notes App. I try to keep creating notes on iCloud and not the device but I've had them disappear. My wife has had this more often so I'm looking for a notes app for her that gives her some cloud storage.

Given the recent moves by EverNote to increase their revenue, I'm not going to go with them, even on the free version, because I wouldn't be surprised that they make other changes to their services that will impact the services we need from a notes app
I'm really torn on a notes app. I'm someone who takes a TON of notes and relies on them throughout the upcoming days, weeks, months, years. Notes can be pretty technical with photos but a lot of notes can be 1 liners or a few lines of code.

I've used everything out there...

Used to be a heavy Evernote user when they first came out then left when their Windows app became unstable (years ago). Their current pricing structure is unattractive to me.

I love Google Keep but HATE how every time I opened the app, it has to sync all my notes (I have thousands of notes) - meaning, if I needed to search for something QUICK.... it won't happen - I'd have to sit there while it syncs everything. Dealing with many notes is cumbersome even with tags (or labels as Keep calls them).

OneNote was great at first but I noticed that it doesn't handle data very well. Also, like sracer noticed, anything I used it on better be plugged in or the battery drained quickly. I had a batch of handwritten notes that I wanted to import - after doing so I noticed the app was using hundreds of megs (even though the PDF files were 1-2mb max). Also the idea of a massive template where I can type anywhere for a small line of text just didn't seem to jive with me.

So I've gone back to pen and paper for the most part. I find I remember more what I handwrite meaning I have to refer to it less and as long as I remember to bring the notebook with me, accessing it is fairly easy. But I don't take my notebooks with me everywhere and really wish I could find a digital note system.

Notability is great but iOS only (I work on Windows). Apple Notes is OK but I lost too many notes due to syncing? problems over the last 4 months that I can't rely on it. OneNote is too big and resource hungry (and I don't have an Office 365 subscription anymore) and I can't get it to work for me. Evernote is too expensive and, as a previous poster noted - probably won't be around for much longer - a lot of people I know have stopped using it. Keep's lack of searching quickly kills it for me.

I so badly want to use a digital notebook... I type super fast... but I just can't find something that works. It's really discouraging.

I resort to scanning in my handwritten pages to PDF via TinyScanner to Google Drive and having work log google document files and Keep for small 1-2 liners. But I don't like it - only good thing with Google is that searching is really good.

Starting to think I should just use Notability and have my Macbook Air running next to my work PC for notes all day... :( Bear looked great but again it is iOS only. Notability and Bear interest me the most.
For shopping lists, I use the

For quick notes and misc stuff I will use the (its slightly faster than one note in opening)

For anything I want to keep and keep organized, I use One Note.
I have a paid subscription to Evernote and it works well. I tried Microsoft Onenote and I liked it but I wasn't sold on migrating to it (still debating since I like the interface). Apple notes is my temporary notes area, if it is a note I want to keep long term, it goes into Evernote where I have proper tagging, organizing, and searching.
I have a paid subscription to Evernote and it works well. I tried Microsoft Onenote and I liked it but I wasn't sold on migrating to it (still debating since I like the interface). Apple notes is my temporary notes area, if it is a note I want to keep long term, it goes into Evernote where I have proper tagging, organizing, and searching.

I am strongly considering going back to Evernote. Haven't used it for a few years. I have a few coworkers that still use it heavily and swear by it. I'm not happy about the high price tag but it seems to be exactly what I want. Admittedly, I'm worried about it sticking around for a few more years but maybe using Google Cloud and increased pay tiers they will?

Awesome forum name, lol
I am strongly considering going back to Evernote. Haven't used it for a few years. I have a few coworkers that still use it heavily and swear by it. I'm not happy about the high price tag but it seems to be exactly what I want. Admittedly, I'm worried about it sticking around for a few more years but maybe using Google Cloud and increased pay tiers they will?

Awesome forum name, lol

I like others ditched Evernote once they restricted using to 2 devises. I just can't subscribe to yet another service. If they offered a one off fee I may consider returning but until then I use Apple notes. I also use my Apple Pencil on GoodNotes and for lists I use Wonderlist.
I like others ditched Evernote once they restricted using to 2 devises. I just can't subscribe to yet another service. If they offered a one off fee I may consider returning but until then I use Apple notes. I also use my Apple Pencil on GoodNotes and for lists I use Wonderlist.

Yeah for $70 a year .... when Google Keep is free. I'm having a real hard time with this. I may just live with the Keep / Apple Notes setup I have now.
I never fell in the Evernote trap and I'm glad I avoided it. OneNote is okay on Windows, but not as good everywhere else and you need OneDrive for syncing, so I passed on that one too.

My notes solutions was mostly Markdown files in Dropbox (and then used whatever editor I liked on the platforms I used at the time).

Since going all Apple devices though, I've started Apple Notes more and more. It works, sync is great and I can to fancy automation stuff thanks to Workflow.

Questions like this, as someone already said, come down to needs and preferences. All of them are adequate, all have pros and cons -- just pick the one that jells best with your setup and sensibilities.
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I really like Microsofts OneNote, however the storage space is limited. I have almost three gigs of notes in Evernote right now. I have paid for the middle of the line service but I have been looking for an alternative since I don't want to pay a year fee to house my notes.

I am currently trying Notebooks out right now. Added bonus of being able to save my notes in Dropbox. However there is no tool yet to import notes from Evernote.

I would love to move off Evernote for a variety of reasons, but I have not been able to find a suitable replacement, that meets my current needs.
It looked great until I saw that it too was also a subscription service based application.

Yeah this has made me hold off too - even though it is a TINY amount. lol. I wanna use my own cloud service and not have to spend extra $ on it!!!! :( lol.
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