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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 14, 2008
I have a macbook pro 13 inch and a iphone 3g... what is the benefit of purchasing the ipad. I hear people raving about the ipad on reviews but i really want to hear from the users that own a macbook pro ,iphone and a ipad.
and by purchasing the ipad are you still gonna get the iphone when it comes out.....

please only users this pertains to reply.
Sorry about the smart comments above :)

I have a 15 MBP and a 3GS iPhone. I got the 3G iPad for business use. When I am on the road on short trips ... Same day or 1-2 days I carry the iPad. It's 1.5 pounds. It's hard to show someone especially a customer something on my iPhone.

Also the iPad has had the wow factor with people and that has been a benefit to me as I am a sales driven business.
unfortunately I don't fulfill your criteria so I don't have a clue
what the benefits of having an ipad would be....hang on...
I shouldn't be here!:rolleyes:
We had an iPad at launch, sold it, but I'll likely buy another at some point. We also own Macbooks, MBP's (several) and iPhones (3G and 3GS).

There is NOTHING you can do with an iPad that you can't also do with either an iPhone or a Macbook/MBP. Its just that you'll do it differently and, depending on your perspectives, perhaps better.

For example, you can read a book on an iPhone and a Mac but the iPads book reading experience via Kindle is very similar to actually having a Kindle. Instant on, easy to use, good screen, simple touch controls. Makes it pretty comfortable to use in a variety of positions. Compared to the iPhone (screen very small) and the Mac/MBP (gets hot on your lap, heavy, trackpad navigation), the iPad is clearly the better experience. Same goes for watching a video.....the iPhone/Mac/MBP can all do what the iPad does but the iPad makes this a much nicer experience.

Web browsing for non-flash sites....the iPad is very easy and fun to use. And the fact that it has such a long-lasting battery means you'll use it for that and not worry about burning out your iPhone battery. I seldom use my iPhone's browser for extended periods as is as it is my primary business line and I NEED my phone. I only get 5 hours of use from the device just from talk time alone. You won't worry about the battery life on your iPad. It can easily go 2-3 days between charges for normal use.

Apps that require precision user interfaces, I'd still give the Mac/MBP the clear vote....the iPad can do OK with most content creation, but its not optimized for that. Its primarily optimized for content consumption.

I'd argue the games on an iPad are better than those on a Macbook Pro simply because you can play them anywhere, minutes at a time, standing on a bus/subway, waiting in a docs office, etc. Games are obviously richer and more powerful on the Macbook Pro but you aren't likely to whip it out for a quick gaming session at the doc's office in the waiting room. Its just too unwieldy for that.

I do like the "discreet" value of the iPhone for game playing, catching a quick video clip or even quickly grabbing a few pages from an ebook. It's small, fits in your pocket and goes everywhere with you. The iPad is too big to not call attention to the fact that you are using it. I was at my daughters' choir concert the other night and there's a 5-7 minute wait between singing groups as the kids filed off the stage to be replaced by new ones. I'd use those 5-7 minutes on the iPhone to catch up on email (read and quick replies) and not disturb or bother anyone in the dimly-lit concert hall. Doing so on my iPad would have quite frankly irritated those seated around me.

There are those who believe the GPS functionality in an iPad, simply because its a bigger screen, is worlds better than on an iPhone. I think the iPad is way too big to function as a GPS device in the would distract me. YMMV. And walking around using one in a big city is just plain dangerous as it sends out the clear signal that you are lost and carrying an expensive bit of kit. I'd have to give the iPhone the win here because functionally it works well and its always with often don't need a GPS until you are lost and thats not the time to wish you had brought your iPad while your iPhone is always with you.

For that reason, I can safely say I'll be getting at least one 4G iPhone when it is released and I just last month purchased a new 2010 i7 MBP. Figure on another iPad in our future and I can still find room for all three.

In summary:

Web browsing (non Flash sites): iPad wins
Book reading: iPad wins
Video watching: iPad wins
Content creation: Macbook/MBP wins (and some form of iTunes host is REQUIRED to even use an iPad so thats a no brainer).
Ultra-portability, jack of all trades, master of none: iPhone wins
Phone/Text: Duh....iPhone
The real benefit is it just consolidates everything you do on all your devices into a single very portable, long battery lasting package. There is very little you can't do on your laptop, actually probably nothing. But the ipad frees you from battery life, from having to open the laptop, from having to wait for the laptop to resume from standby, from having to carry the weight of the laptop, etc etc.

Do I still use my laptop? Yes, for heavy word processing mainly. But even at home I find myself using my laptop/desktop less and less and using my ipad more and more. On the road I certainly use my ipad 99% of the time unless I am expecting heavy word processing, and even then I'm seriously considering a bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
I have a Macbook and an iPhone (plus an iMac at home) and I ordered a 32GB wi-fi iPad. I could probably do without the MB now, as most of the things I use it for will take place on the iPad. Even if the MB is small and light and has good battery life, the iPad will be far superior in portability (size, weight, battery life), responsiveness and fun factor, and is much more likely to be with me at all times, while the MB will remain at home/hotel.

Having said that, I won't be able to use the iPad for most of my job requirements (extensive typing, Windows, translation tools), so if I gave up my MB this would mean being able to work only from home on the iMac - no way I'm going back to that.

In the end, if the iPad is as cool as it seems to be, I will be using my MB much less (= only for work or heavy tasks such as Lightroom, CS3, iMovie etc.) and my iPhone much less (= only as a phone and very rarely to surf the net or send an e-mail, let alone playing games or using other apps). Still, I'm sure I will love to have all 3 devices and be able to pick the best one for the job depending on my needs.
I'd echo most of what ReallyBig says. I have a MBP, MBA and iPhone and the iPad is very in-between-y. It's an excellent media device. I haven't picked up my Kindle since I bought it (I read a book or two a week). I took it on a business trip a couple of weeks ago and it was very handy for note taking and email. We're headed to Europe this summer and I will only be taking the iPad (and iPhone). It's an excellent travel computer. I didn't "need" it because I could already do everything that I'm currently doing with my existing technology; I'm just doing it more conveniently.

My wife, who's tech-averse, wanted a netbook for emailing, light surfing and the occasional Word document. She LOVES her iPad and uses it constantly.
well i have an iPhone and an iMac, and my plan is that the iPad will be a perfect msn/facebook +web browser whilst watching tv, leave the little things to my iPhone, the big things to my iMac and just that perfect inbetween is an iPad
If you have to ask... you don't "need" it.

There have been A LOT of similar threads - try searching!

i did do the search first bucko but i wanted experiences of actual ipad owners. im getting that apple itch to buy something and i have been good this year as far as tech stuff.. but that ipad is giving me a bit of a itch but im really trying to see what's coming.. i worry about lugging my mb pro every where....
I have a Macbook Air, iPhone and 3G iPad (though I've only used it WiFi at this point). I also bought the bluetooth keyboard.

I also have a Kindle DX (the large one) which I use for reading.

I have used LogMeIn Ignition and iSSH on my iPhone to connect to clients machines when "out and about" -- times when I've not had my Air but would probably had my Kindle so now I will (hopefully) have my iPad and will be much more efficient.

I tried loading some reference documents (mostly PDFs) on the Kindle (which is why I bought the DX) but the Kindle doesn't really (yet) handle PDFs well. The iPad does. I can easily zoom, scroll, search, etc. my manuals.

I have a couple of bicycling trips to Germany this year -- one is a week long tour where I will take the iPad and keyboard and save weight. That is the main reason I bought the 3G version (hoping somebody in Germany has a micro-SIM and a decent data plan :) )

When flying, I've watched movies/TV shows on the iPhone but it will be much nicer on the iPad. I view it as my portable In Flight Entertainment system (I just read were a company plans to rent specially loaded iPads at airports for entertainment). I can watch some shows, read a book, play some games. All of which I could do on the iPhone but better on the iPad.

During the NBA playoffs, She Who Must Be Obeyed has first crack at the HDTV. If I want to watch something from my HTPC (a Mac Mini) I could do it at my computer but with the iPad I sit in a comfy chair in the living room and stream using Air Video.

Is it perfect? No. It needs to be a bit lighter and a bit cheaper, but that will come. There are things that piss me off (why do I have to email Pages/Numbers documents to myself rather than just transfering) but all in all I've had the thing just over two weeks and I can't see being without it.
what is the benefit of purchasing the ipad. I hear people raving about the ipad on reviews but i really want to hear from the users that own a macbook pro ,iphone and a ipad.
and by purchasing the ipad are you still gonna get the iphone when it comes out.....

You know I own a drill bit kit with over 55 different sizes, some just 1/8" larger than the next. But you know what, sometime that 1/8" is the difference between a stable leg and a wobbly one.

Point here is, just because tools or gadgets are similar doesn't mean they will do the best job for a given task. Sure, you can improvise, but that's not ideal, is it?

Yes, I own a MBP, two actually, and an iPhone, and a 3G iPad. I could tell you why they compliment each other rather than conflict, but my story is different than yours. iPads are not inexpensive so, really, if you can't figure out how it would make life better, easier, more fun, whatever, then why even consider it. I've got friends that have dogs -- love 'em like their first kid. Now I love dogs too, but they don't really work for my lifestyle. I don't care how much my friends rave about their dogs I'm not getting one.
In summary:
Web browsing (non Flash sites): iPad wins
Book reading: iPad wins
Video watching: iPad wins
Content creation: Macbook/MBP wins (and some form of iTunes host is REQUIRED to even use an iPad so thats a no brainer).
Ultra-portability, jack of all trades, master of none: iPhone wins
Phone/Text: Duh....iPhone

RBF did a really nice review...all the way around.

I just wanted to add an additional impression about the iPas. There is a very fresh sense of freedom from being tied down to a laptop.

WAY too much of the time I was carrying a laptop...or even using a laptop around the house to not be stuck in the computer room. But I am FAR, FAR Less likely to need, want or bother to use a laptop when the iPad is perfect. 14+ years of being tied down to a laptop...I am done. I have had a wifi since week 1...and just ordered a 3g...and it will be complete. I look forward to new iPads in the future with even better features...but in the mean time, this is a life changer.

For me, the iPad is to the lapatop, as the laptop was to the desktop when I got my first laptop in 1994. THe laptop was freedom from the desk...and now the iPad is freedom from sitting around with a laptop stuck in my lap.

There are something things that are still going to have to be done on a desktop, where I have 2 -3 screens per workstation...I even have students stations with multiple screens. For me, even a 17" screen is too small and confining to work with...and I always disliked doing any serious work on a laptop and used it only when I needed something at a remote location...or so I wouldn't be stuck in a computer room...but I would still save some stuff for the big desktop with a dual 28"/22" screen desktop at home. The iPad is the freedom to even being tied down to the laptop.
I have a MBP and iPhone 3GS and now an iPad 3G. I own a computer networking and IT company so for me it was a no brainer... Plus, I can be on the road with the 3G and connect to anything from basically anywhere with the iPad. Sure I could do it on the iphone but the screen is horribly small for RDP sessions etc. The ipad makes remote administration a dream. I also have clients in the healthcare industry - this device can take them to paperless charting NOW.
also have clients in the healthcare industry - this device can take them to paperless charting NOW.

I have a friend that is hoping they can work something out for their boss the doctor in this area. Are there commercial apps out you could point me to for her? (PM is fine and probably preferred since it's OT)
I agree with lokerd/rbf.

Although I have a netbook, I went from MacBook on it's own to PC and Netbook (both hackintoshed) because

1 - I seem to be most productive at a desk with a 22" monitor
2 - I would use my laptop in the living room (which I find a little rude for others being behind a moderately sized screen)
3 - My MacBook was too big for me to use in Economy on transatlantic flights

I find the ultra portability of the netbook to be good, but it isn't great at doing everything I want it to do. Mostly I use it to go on here, digg/news, check my email, chat with my fiancée when we're apart and write little notes for myself.

I'd like to read more now, and whilst I read 1984 for the first time on my old iPhone, the screen was too small. However, I still got an immersive experience from it and prefer reading on a device than a book (sign of the times or deeper psychological issues linking books to bad times during High School, I don't know). But all I know is a Netbook isn't right for me to read a book on with it's physical keyboard...

Hopefully the magazines I enjoy will fully grasp the iPad and textbook companies will start 'printing' ebooks more. I work for a large publisher who is embracing the iPad idea and hopefully that will filter down to their textbook imprints.
i did do the search first bucko but i wanted experiences of actual ipad owners. im getting that apple itch to buy something and i have been good this year as far as tech stuff.. but that ipad is giving me a bit of a itch but im really trying to see what's coming.. i worry about lugging my mb pro every where....
But that doesn't dismiss what TracyS said. If you have to ask, then you don't "need" it. And you have confirmed that. You said yourself that you are "getting that apple itch to buy something". That purchase decision is being driven by emotion. Are you looking for validation for your emotions? :confused:

Your initial question is a bit disjoint. "but i really want to hear from the users that own a macbook pro ,iphone and a ipad. and by purchasing the ipad are you still gonna get the iphone when it comes out....."
If we already have an iPhone, why would we "still" get an iPhone when it comes out?
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