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The biggest benefit is the ability to search MacRumors anywhere you go so you can avoid posting the exact same question dozens of people have already asked. Clearly you have no iPad now...
The biggest benefit of purchasing an iPad is that you don't have to worry about criminal prosecution if you get caught stealing one.
Whenever I would take my laptop with me on trips it was always a burden. Even a thin MBP weighs a ton when carrying it around with its power brick and is a hassle at the airport. I realized when considering the iPad that mostly I use my laptop for entertainment purposes. Simply put, the iPad does entertainment much better than the laptop and is much more portable and easy to carry. Yet, the screen size isn't a huge compromise like it is on the iPhone.

Outside of traveling though the iPad may sit unused in your living room. At home with access to your TV, gaming console and physical books its likely to lie around unless you want to play a simple game or surf the web a bit more comfortably. Everytime you have something serious to do, like lots of typing, video encoding or filling out online forms you're gonna put your iPad down and use your full computer. Once at your computer, you're probably going to stay there to watch youtube or hulu. There will never be flash on the iPad and it will never accept physical media like a DVD or a Blu-ray disc. The content on the iPad will always be tightly controlled.

I think the iPad will continue to sell fairly well but after the initial enthusiasm dies down it will not be as successful as the iPhone or iPod. That's not to say it will flop--far from it.
i did do the search first bucko but i wanted experiences of actual ipad owners. im getting that apple itch to buy something and i have been good this year as far as tech stuff.. but that ipad is giving me a bit of a itch but im really trying to see what's coming.. i worry about lugging my mb pro every where....

Well, you really shouldn't buy it just for the sake of spending money unless that's your thing, but even though this sounds generic I highly recommend this. Between Apple's website and their ads you should be able to at least see a couple things that would be useful to you.
Actual iPad users are going to tell you many different things that are just gonna something silly to laugh at such as:

"I use my iPad on the toilet"
"I use my iPad to get chicks" (if you can't get chicks without a tech device present you've got problems :D)
"I use my iPad to look cool and to rub in people's faces"
"I use my iPad for porn"
"I use my iPad instead of using my wife" (that falls under porn)

You're going to get a lot of different answers and the guy that said if you have to ask you don't need it, he's right. The iPad sold a million in just under a month, those customers saw value in it by just viewing Apple's own demos.
I have a MBP and iPhone 3GS and now an iPad 3G. I own a computer networking and IT company so for me it was a no brainer... Plus, I can be on the road with the 3G and connect to anything from basically anywhere with the iPad. Sure I could do it on the iphone but the screen is horribly small for RDP sessions etc. The ipad makes remote administration a dream. I also have clients in the healthcare industry - this device can take them to paperless charting NOW.

im in it also your points are very valid.. Im in corrections actually... our company would save a ton of money giving this product to the directors at my company.. instead of laptop we would give them these 3g ipads... some of the higher ups are clue less with computers..
The biggest benefit is the ability to search MacRumors anywhere you go so you can avoid posting the exact same question dozens of people have already asked. Clearly you have no iPad now...
Is it your intention to pad your post count with this same useless posting telling others to search? How about just don't post in threads you are not interested in or that you deem there to be millions of?
Oh yes, but only as long as it's not used as a "fashion accessory". That would be a turn off.
Gasp. That wouldn't be a true "geek chick" then though now would it? :D
Yes, geek chicks are hot!!! :D



I wish I could find a hot chick with one. Then I'd say "Show me yours and I'll show you mine".
Well, this early 40's mom of 3 ain't cutting it in the "hot chick" department - but as long as the iPad is helping me out to at least be cool, i'm cool with it! :cool: :p

Now, to get my divorce final and try the theory out! :D (because, the soon-to-be-ex - well, he finds geek tech toys a big turn off and thinks they all should go in the garbage)

To the OP: See, the aid to the social life has now been proven. Just buy one and be a "hot geek" :D
Gasp. That wouldn't be a true "geek chick" then though now would it? :D

To the OP: See, the aid to the social life has now been proven. Just buy one and be a "hot geek" :D

I definately am. I hear it all the time lol..... Im glad i dont have to do housecalls anymore.. yeesh talk about harassement....
I own all the Apple gadgets. Most Apple products are considered "luxury items" You don't really need them, yes even the iphone. If I were to have one phone, it wouldn't be the iphone. It's my Tmobile Branded Blackberry Bold 9700. Why? Because of it's 3 plus day battery life plus UMA calling and easy blackberry international push email which I rely on. I have both Tmobile and ATT and the iPhone is my "fun/backup phone"

So back to the iPad. Do I really need it when I have a core i5 Sony Vaio laptop (I sold my previous macbook), and iPhone and a core i7 27 inch iMac? Not really. That's the answer people really want to hear who don't get the iPad.

The iPad is definitely a "luxury gadget" at this point. But do I enjoy using it? Yes, I love my iPad. Mainly purchased it for it's bigger screen. It will eventually replace the generic netbooks out there unless Intel and the other manufactuers speed up developments of those netbooks (and yes, I have owned an Acer Aspire One netbook also).

So for those who are on a budget, I would recommend skipping this first generation iPad. Obviously Apple left out a few features/specs on purpose to see how the market reacts (judging from the brisk sales, Apple knows it's got a winner). That why they can simply add "features" like more RAM, more Hard Space on the cheap for iPad version 2 in 12 months and still maintain a health profit margin.

But for those who can afford it, the iPad is a fine choice as a future netbook replacement. I don't care much for flash websites my self. That's me. If you need flash in your life, don't get an iPad. It's as simple as that. That's why we have a capital market. No one is holding a gun to your head to run out and get an iPad.

If you are in a cash crunch and can't afford either a netbook or iPad. I say go with the netbook at this point.

In summary:

Web browsing (non Flash sites): iPad wins
Book reading: iPad wins
Video watching: iPad wins
Content creation: Macbook/MBP wins (and some form of iTunes host is REQUIRED to even use an iPad so thats a no brainer).
Ultra-portability, jack of all trades, master of none: iPhone wins
Phone/Text: Duh....iPhone

This should be made sticky somewhere and threads like this closed ;) Really good post.
I have all three (plus desktop imac).

I bought the iPad to act as an electronic clipboard in my lab - it replaces an old G4 mini that wouldn't run current filemaker or bento versions. It IS handier than the deskbound mini or even a laptop to carry around from station to station as well as easy dictation of notes. Lack of a file system (to keep files belonging to different projects together) is a major headache that just about offsets it. We might get a couple of more if these issues get resolved.

I've also been using it around the house. Not very impressed. I'd rather use my laptop for most everything. (The laptop screen holds itself up, and it actually works with most web sites.) I've been doing some reading with iPad, but the iPhone is easier to hold. Dragging publications from Safari to Papers (about half of my reading) doesn't work very well. I end up going to the laptop to do that, then syncing the iPad.

Bottom line: Current version of iPad doesn't do anything that my laptop + iPhone don't do better.
Gasp. That wouldn't be a true "geek chick" then though now would it? :D

Well, this early 40's mom of 3 ain't cutting it in the "hot chick" department - but as long as the iPad is helping me out to at least be cool, i'm cool with it! :cool: :p

Now, to get my divorce final and try the theory out! :D (because, the soon-to-be-ex - well, he finds geek tech toys a big turn off and thinks they all should go in the garbage)

To the OP: See, the aid to the social life has now been proven. Just buy one and be a "hot geek" :D

I actually impressed a girl yesterday in Subway with it yesterday. :cool:

Too bad she was 16. :eek:
Honestly, I never thought I would purchase a first gen iPad, nevermind, an iPad in general.

I have a Mac Book pro 17" and 13" and an iPhone 3G/3Gs and iPod Touch, iPod, etc.

Unfortunately, as much as I have all those Apple products, the iPad changes how you would function on your laptop and iPhone.

For instance, instead of me sitting down at a computer to check my news feeds, news, stocks, email, etc. etc. (the basic daily workflow items), I now do that on my iPad. My 24" Apple Cinema Display with Macbook Pro is strictly "work" related (photo/video processing, etc.).

The portability of an iPad allows you to carry with you countless magazines, books, movies, pictures, etc.

You can technically do this with an iPhone, however, it is obviously more pleasant on a larger screen and it feels right.

Is it essential, probably not, however, having the ability to be constantly connect (wifi/3g) is like having everything at your fingertips.

Oh, it's much better pulling this out in front of company rather than an actual laptop. (someone stated this as well).
I currently have a MacBook, iPad 32 GB WiFi, and a Blackberry Curve. I will be purchasing the iPhone 4G when it is available. I struggled with this question as well before I purchased my iPad. I originally bought it for work use to sync with bento on my work computer. It however has become a commodity for me in my daily travels. I am still in school so I have been using it for my notetaking because it is so much smaller than my MacBook and gets much better battery life.

I can do everything on my iPad that I need to on a day to day basis. If I need to write a lab report I will obviously use my MacBook but honestly my iPad has taken over for my computing needs. When OS 4 is released it's going to become even more useful.

Look at it this way. If you need to create heavy media then use a regular computer (MacBook, iMac, etc.). The beauty of the MacBook is the portability if you need to take it somewhere to work on your work heavily. If you however just need something simple to carry around each day for taking notes in class, meetings, watching netflix, Internet, books, and other needs the iPad delivers in a much smaller case with much better battery life. iPhone is simply a phone capable of doing the on the go things like Internet, email, apps etc. It doesn't allow book reading and netflix viewing or the same Internet experience as the iPad. This is what separates these devices. They have found their niches in my lifestyle.
Got a MP, MBP, iPhone 3GS, and I plan to get the new iPhone. I really didn't see the need for it either but after using one, it really is a different experience than the other devices. The large screen does make surfing and reading converted textbooks a joy. It really is more convenient than having a laptop when u just want to relax and read. It really is a device for leisure and not meant to do heavy data entry but I'm sure u already knew that.
I love my iPad and I'm definitely o e of the crap talkers when the ipad was announced. I'll most certainly eat my words since my birthday month was also the month my ipad got to enjoy arianny Celeste on the cover of maxim:D
I have a couple of bicycling trips to Germany this year -- one is a week long tour where I will take the iPad and keyboard and save weight. That is the main reason I bought the 3G version (hoping somebody in Germany has a micro-SIM and a decent data plan :) )


maybe I can point you into the right direction, Fonic and simyo are two prepaid options that offer micro sims. However, you have to order them via the internet, and it seems they do not send abroad...otherwise, o2, t-mobile or vodafone do micro sims for the iPad in Germany:,21277,24457-_,00.html

they seem not to have any contract length, just pay month to month, like AT&T (finally this 24 month contract nonsense is over...)

Actually, where do you go cycling in Germany. I use Motion-X GPS on my iPhone all the time mounted on my bike and powerd by a box wired to the dynamo. The iPad should do an excellent cycling map with Motion-X GPS HD.

Last year I navigated from England to Germany via my iPhone, Google Maps and Motion-X GPS... :)

Best wishes

The biggest advantage to buying one is that you won't get arrested like you might if you were to steal it. You could also try making your own or asking Santa for one.
Benefits? Your bank account balance will be less. Your PC will get used less. You'll see less FLASH on the web. You'll print less. You'll get to spend another $30 to $100 on a case after the joy of trying to hold onto the iPad wears off. Apps will cost more than they did for the iPhone or Touch. You'll spend even less time outdoors. Lastly, you may waste away having forgotten to eat for 10 hours as the battery lasts that long. You CAN take it with you into the bathroom though. :D
I have a macbook pro 13 inch and a iphone 3g... what is the benefit of purchasing the ipad. I hear people raving about the ipad on reviews but i really want to hear from the users that own a macbook pro ,iphone and a ipad.
and by purchasing the ipad are you still gonna get the iphone when it comes out.....

please only users this pertains to reply.

You need to be able to read to use it. Obviously, you can't or you wouldn't have posted this stupid thread. Instead, you would have read the other 100000 threads on this topic.

If you have to ask... you don't "need" it.

There have been A LOT of similar threads - try searching!

That pretty much sums it up.

I own an MBP 17" an iPad 3G an iPhone 3GS and yes I plan to get the next iPhone.

End this thread, PLEASE!!!!!!
While growing up, when did the question become "why do I need this?" instead of "Is this fun?"
You need to be able to read to use it. Obviously, you can't or you wouldn't have posted this stupid thread. Instead, you would have read the other 100000 threads on this topic.


thank you sir.. you need a bagel and some coffee because obviously you are cranky !!! please take your cookies and juice and go to the corner you are on timeout ! lol .. :D
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