That would be great if that happened to me too. My mbp has shipped with a company called Kuhne & Nagel Spedition s.a r which I have never heard of but after some digging seem to be a german company which is strange since i live in the UK.kevinliu4 said:i ordered my macbook pro online on the 8th of this month and was given the 21st as a delivery date. it arrived 4 days later on the 12th! i was very happy and still am with this beautiful machine.
joe8232 said:That would be great if that happened to me too. My mbp has shipped with a company called Kuhne & Nagel Spedition s.a r which I have never heard of but after some digging seem to be a german company which is strange since i live in the UK.
Has anyone else had their computer ship with this company?
Ahh, thanks for that - you have put my mind at rest!maddav said:K & N deal with the Apple stuff from Taipei to Eindhoven, as it's typically there that it's handed over to TNT.
epicwelshman said:I ordered mine on the 24th and it's supposed to ship on the 5th. But my iPod shipped about 5 days early (made it from China to the US in a day?!?!) so I have hope for my MacBook. I said screw waiting for Merom, I don't need it, but I do need a Mac now, so there we go.
iUserz said:i ordered mine aug 16th and it was delayed till the 29th, then delayed again till the 31st.
Apple gave me 50 dollars back on my credit card and was going to make it next day shipping but couldn't because their computer system won't let one order have two types of shipping (the ipod nano has already been shipped and just arrived today)
GFLPraxis said:Hmmm, I wonder if it's possible that the MacBook could get Merom? September 5th seems to be a reoccuring date.
marksable said:yeah...sept 5th for me too (with an estimated arrival date of the 8th)