ha ha
fellas what you think is a prototype for a new pda-thingy from apple looks to be nothing more than a newton in some sort of docking cradle. come on, you guys can remember the newton right? bulky, expensive, ahead of its time. There is no way Apple would make a machine like this for a couple of reasons:
1) its black. the new color/design scheme for apple is while/metal/translucent plastics
2) That thing is pretty damn big. if you have ever used one of these things you would realize right away that it wouldn't sell to today's consumers. I'm not saying that the newton wasn't (or isn't) a great machine, but people today want small and portable, not big fast and with a keyboard. which brings me to the next issue...
3) does that look like a keyboard that belongs to a brand new apple-made device? a circa 1997 portable keyboard yes; 2002 ultralight, no
4) the multicolor apple logo is no longer around. it was retired in favor of the white apple logo. (i think this was back when the lombard powerbook g3 was introduced)
This thing is nothing more than a newton in a cradle (probably one of the last models, 2000 or 2100). you can pick them up on ebay for not too much.
fellas what you think is a prototype for a new pda-thingy from apple looks to be nothing more than a newton in some sort of docking cradle. come on, you guys can remember the newton right? bulky, expensive, ahead of its time. There is no way Apple would make a machine like this for a couple of reasons:
1) its black. the new color/design scheme for apple is while/metal/translucent plastics
2) That thing is pretty damn big. if you have ever used one of these things you would realize right away that it wouldn't sell to today's consumers. I'm not saying that the newton wasn't (or isn't) a great machine, but people today want small and portable, not big fast and with a keyboard. which brings me to the next issue...
3) does that look like a keyboard that belongs to a brand new apple-made device? a circa 1997 portable keyboard yes; 2002 ultralight, no
4) the multicolor apple logo is no longer around. it was retired in favor of the white apple logo. (i think this was back when the lombard powerbook g3 was introduced)
This thing is nothing more than a newton in a cradle (probably one of the last models, 2000 or 2100). you can pick them up on ebay for not too much.