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macrumors 65816
Mar 18, 2010
Keiseki dinner at a Onsen resort deep in the woods of rural Japan

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Jun 30, 2007
Of the 7 continents I've visited Japanese cuisine was consistently the most surprising and aesthetic, at least for someone from the western hemisphere.

The amazement started on the flight to Narita before I even reached Japan:

Japan 2015.09.13-2015.10.03 DSC01434.jpg


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Of the 7 continents I've visited Japanese cuisine was consistently the most surprising and aesthetic, at least for someone from the western hemisphere.

The amazement started on the flight to Narita before I even reached Japan:

View attachment 2380398
I love the cuisine, culture and the aesthetic of Japan; above all, (and this is also something that you will most certainly also find in Italy, and, perhaps, to a lesser extent, in Germany), I love that this aesthetic is - or can be - found in the everyday and sometimes ordinary things of life - knives, coffee post, and how food is prepared and presented.

I love how the design of the ordinary is treated with such respect in Japan, for much Japanese design is an expresson of that fusion of form and function that represents excellent design.


macrumors 65816
Mar 18, 2010
What I am finding amazing in my time here in Japan is their genuine celebration of the ingredients, and producers of food.

There are only a few different things on TV. Cooking shows, reaction shows where they have comedic commentary on mundane daily life, and shows where they go and tour Japan interviewing chefs and food producers.

I just watched a half hour show where they gave a cabbage farmer celebrity treatment, and then cooked a sinfully good looking okonomiyaki with his produce.

Saw a similar one the other night with a potato farmer.

This genuine care for the origin of their food, down to giving light to the actual farmers is amazing to me, and something that I wish we did more in the West.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
What I am finding amazing in my time here in Japan is their genuine celebration of the ingredients, and producers of food.

There are only a few different things on TV. Cooking shows, reaction shows where they have comedic commentary on mundane daily life, and shows where they go and tour Japan interviewing chefs and food producers.

I just watched a half hour show where they gave a cabbage farmer celebrity treatment, and then cooked a sinfully good looking okonomiyaki with his produce.

Saw a similar one the other night with a potato farmer.

This genuine care for the origin of their food, down to giving light to the actual farmers is amazing to me, and something that I wish we did more in the West.
Couldn't agree more.

Several years ago, I travelled to Bra, Piedmont, - which is where the Slow Food Movement was founded - for the International Cheese Festival, and met (and - most wonderfully - dined with) some of the founders of the Slow Food Movement.

They espouse a similar philosophy re celebration of ingredients (and the producers of those ingredients), supporting the idea of local (and seasonal) produce, and promoting ethical (and environmentally aware) values in the production of food.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2019
RedBeans n Rice.jpg

While I love the smell of grilled/barbequed meats, some days (like this rainy cold Saturday) the smell of long-simmering red beans and rice can't be beat (a grilled mild Italian sausage isn't a bad side dish...).
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