I have to say, OP, that a lot of the logos you are coming up with are excellent! Just little niggles that need to be addressed, but you certainly have a flair for design!
I have to say, OP, that a lot of the logos you are coming up with are excellent! Just little niggles that need to be addressed, but you certainly have a flair for design!
I like the quality control sticker idea and how you used it in v10.
You have some really cool stuff on your site, I with I could buy here in the US.
Thanks again to all of you who contributed opinions and honest criticism to the logos i've been posting, I tuned out for a couple of weeks to consider what you all said and also to finish designs for an extension to our house...
for this final version I went with just a typeface designed from scratch that can stand on its own as a logo and the little Calder-like eye as an abstract representation of what the company stands for [proportion - balance - interior spaces - hunting for designers - searching for objects - art gallery]
(click for large image and color variations or here to see it in context:
I'd love to hear your final comments and hope you enjoy the products.
Thanks again to all of you who contributed opinions and honest criticism to the logos i've been posting, I tuned out for a couple of weeks to consider what you all said and also to finish designs for an extension to our house...
for this final version I went with just a typeface designed from scratch that can stand on its own as a logo and the little Calder-like eye as an abstract representation of what the company stands for [proportion - balance - interior spaces - hunting for designers - searching for objects - art gallery]
(click for large image and color variations or here to see it in context:
I'd love to hear your final comments and hope you enjoy the products.
You might try to unify the negative shape inside of the mark to better match the counters in the letterforms. It's a bit rounded and organic but the type counters are square and modern. Other than that, it's quite nice.