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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 29, 2008
So I have the Might Mouse and I think the thing SUCKS! So I am looking to buy a better kind of mouse, but I can't deiced what one. So what do you guys/girls use?
BT Mighty Mouse. It's very comfortable for me, and the scroll ball works very well (yes, it does need to be cleaned once in a while).
Logitech VX Nano

Another vote for the MX Revolution, with a vote for the VX as a close second. The Mighty Mouse is terribly uncomfortable for my big hands. Plus, it doesn't have nearly enough buttons or scroll wheels for me. The more, the better! :D
The only reason i don't like to use the mighty mouse myself is because of the way i hold the mouse (as a left-handed person using standard left click primary, cuts out hassle when i jump on someone else's pc) my right-clicks often register as left clicks.
It was perfectly fine using it in a single click environment but some of the software i do use makes extensive use of right click.

For the same reason i don't use anything logitech, They have an obsession with 'ergonomic' right hand moulded trash.

I use a Razer Diamondback 3G with SteerMouse and am very happy. It's large bttons register a comfortable click no matter where you press them, This makes the mouse usable by many people.
Logitech VX Nano is fantastic, I use it with a laptop but is fine as desktop mouse if you don't mind a slightly smaller mouse... if you prefer a larger mouse get the MX Revolution. The build-quality on both mice is superb and the scrollwheel is silky-smooth.
Logitech MX Revolution

One vote for the Logitech MX Revolution....I have owned several logitech mice. I have MX620 at work and the MX Revolution at home.

Very happy with both...much better feel and control than the mm imho.
I use an old Logitech Optical mouse (wired). It fits my hand well and works fine. I tried the mighty mouse and could not for the life of me get the right click to work right. Maybe it doesn't like left-handed people?
I've got a logitech MX revolution and an older MX Laser, both are great and I use them everyday, highly recommend them.
I have a Logitech LX3. It works great & it's cheap.

Personally I'd suggest a tablet. I use a Wacom Bamboo with my right hand most of the time. Only occasionally use LX3 with my left hand.

BTW, used to have a mighty mouse at work and used it with my left hand too. Didn't have any problem though...
So I have the Might Mouse and I think the thing SUCKS! So I am looking to buy a better kind of mouse, but I can't deiced what one. So what do you guys/girls use?

Well if you give us a bit more information, it would be helpful, such as is it wired or wireless? Why do you think it sucks? What is it not doing for you?
Is it hard to use for you? Does it always need to be cleaned?

There are remedies for that. I myself like the Mighty Mouse and if you keep it clean and your hands clean when you use it, it will stay working longer for you without having to clean the ball all the time. I have used both wired and wireless and both has its advantages and disadvantages. So you as the user has to come up with why you want wired or wireless first then decide what else is on the market that will work. I have not tried the others but it appears to have a few great choices or alternates instead of the MM. Good Luck.
Hmmm. I don't think these recommendations will help the OP, since he doesn't like the Mighty Mouse.

"yes, it does need to be cleaned once in a while"

If the reason the OP (or someone else reading this thread) doesn't like the MM because of a scrollball problem, pointing out it needs to be cleaned periodically is a helpful comment. There are more than a couple of threads started because of that very problem. :)
Mighty Mouse for me

I am a high level quadriplegic and before I switched to a Mac I used a Trackball but when I set up my new Mac we hooked up the Mighty Mouse. Well after trying it for awhile I found out this is a great mouse for a person with a handicapped I cannot use my hands but on a mighty mouse all I have to do is rest my hand on It right-click lean to the right to did a left click lean to the left the double-click just press down twice and run my Palm over the trackball to scroll down. The mighty mouse has given me another tool to work with it makes me feel like a normal person being able to use a normal mouse.
I used the MX Revolution for a long time, and it was great until it started to stutter everywhere. I use a logitech MX518 now, and its amazing :D.
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