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macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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The entire thing reads like something on Apple's website. There's not even a recommendation that says "Buy an iMac and be done with the decision-making." There really should be. If you're telling people, "Want to know where to start? Get a 23" ACD and a 2.66 GHz MacPro!!", then it sounds like you should understand who you're catering to. Sounds like you're aiming this advice at professionals rather than hobbyists, and yet you're not being informative enough for professionals. :eek:

Clix Pix said:
I'm not quite sure to whom the article is actually targeted, but I can pretty well guarantee that as an adult, I would not make any critical buying decisions based on this.

I don't agree with some of what she said, but I do agree with this part.

FleurDuMal said:
However, a couple of points (from a photographer on a budget):
-There really should be some mention of the Dell 2407fpw. It's the same screen as the ACD, but can save you £100's. In fact, if you're really trying to save people money, you could advise they try and find a 2405fpw, as they will now have dropped in price.
-Also, for the budget photographer, there is no reason not to recommend the Macbook. A 2Ghz model loaded up with 2GB RAM and connected to an external display would perform just as adequately as the MBP with the important applications. OK, you would defnitely have to mention that it can't power a 30" ACD, but, really, the budget photographer isn't going to have £1200/£1300 to blow on a display. Also, the MB would be better for the travel photographer who may want something more portable to take around the world.


I think you'd be better off aiming this at the consumer level and trying to help as many people as possible, and that means recommending Dell, Samsung, LG, Viewsonic, or even Gateway LCDs.......whichever ones are best. :)

Computer recommendations? Sure, recommend a Mac, but you can't just recommend a 17" loaded MBP, or a 2.66 GHz MacPro with 23" ACD to edit photos. An Intel iMac with 20" display, running Lightroom is also going to be very good for most photographers. I mean, for what I do, a 15" MBP, 20" iMac, and 2.66 GHz MacPro with 23" ACD would all do the job equally well. Yes, equally. I wouldn't suffer from any slowdown from not owning a MacPro. You just need to mention what benefits I'd see going with a MacPro 23" rather than a 20" iMac.

And I agree with iGary when he said you just have to do your research when writing something like this. Glenn did his research, and as long as he knows the benefits of owning the 30" over a 23" or 24" display and mentions why he'd choose one over the other, I think it's credible. :)
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