Gather around the campfire...
In 1988, we got a Mac SE (2 floppy drives, NO hard drive). This was the cheaper model, but the one my mom could afford at the time. My brother was required to get this for college. Yeah, 1mb RAM. Much better than that 64k machine (but the 64k machine was still more fun to use).
In 1994 or 1995, we inherited a PowerMac Performa 6115CD. My brother got it from his then boss, who was simply throwing out the older Macs for new(er?) Macs. 70MHz... 8mb RAM... 500mb hard drive. Das wassup. Ok, not really. We bought a 64mb chip and had that sucker at a whopping 72mb. DAS WASSUP!!! lol
In 2000, I made MY first purchase of a Mac - the graphite iMac DV SE 400MHz. Had a CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive. Ok, it couldn't burn anything... and had no floppy drive, but it had a nice, crisp display for its time. 13gb hard drive space and 128mb RAM was a MASSIVE jump from the last machine we had. In fact, my brother was STILL using that machine at the time.
In 2001, I wanted a laptop. Yes, the beautiful iBook 600 with a 30gb hard drive. It was white... and shiny. lol. Got a lot of compliements - the machine, not me - and it was my introduction to OS X. I pushed myself to use it over 9, since I knew that was the future anyway. 128mb RAM wasn't cutting it, though. Bumped it to 384.
2003, I decided to finally get a machine with power. The best machine to date - The PowerBook 12" - 1GHz, 80gb hard drive, and 512mb RAM. I STILL have this great machine. It's my favorite to this day. Oh yeah, sold my iMac to my brother somewhere around this time. Maybe a bit before.
2005 - Time to get a desktop. I wanted a crazy, powerful beast. Got me a PowerMac dual-proc 2.3GHz G5 w/ 400mb hard drive and 2gb RAM. Needed to replace the crappy Sony Superdrive within the first couple weeks. Love the machine, though. This sucker STILL melts through every project like a hot knife through butter.
2006 - Hello Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, 2.33GHz, 160gb RAM, glossy.... x2. Yup. First one had a bad speaker. Second one had a bad screen, but the screen was replaced. Yes, ok. Off to a rocky start, but after that, it has been great. Rivals the G5 in its power and it's portable. Now, DAS REALLY WASSUP.
Class...... CLASS......... WAKE UP!!!!!