Pardon my ignorance, but do these GPS apps like TomTom and Navigon still work if you're at a deadzone, say in the middle of nowhere bumf*ck Egypt?
Absolutely. Since they do not rely on an internet connection, they will function just fine whether you have a signal or not. All of the data is stored locally in the app. Just be ready to give up a little less than 2 gigs to store it all.Pardon my ignorance, but do these GPS apps like TomTom and Navigon still work if you're at a deadzone, say in the middle of nowhere bumf*ck Egypt?
Nice app but you only get one month of free voice-guided turn-by-turn. After that it's $2.99 per month or $24.99 per year.I'm using MotionX GPS Drive. It works great on iPhone 4. For only $0.99 it's good deal.
navigon + live traffic
We have two iPhones. Can we share Navigon or TomTom on both phones?
Yes.We have two iPhones. Can we share Navigon or TomTom on both phones?
My wife and I both share Navigon on
two iPhone 3Gss.
I used the MapQuest app a few times, but all of a sudden it decided to start taking the most out of the way route possible to get me places. Its route could take an extra 45 minutes on what is supposed to be a 75 minute trip. Back to Google maps for routing for me. It works great in my area since we have coverage everywhere.Try MapQuest 4 Mobile, it is free.
I prefer the TomTom app but Navigon is great too. (Either is worth it IMO)
Navigon, been pretty happy with it.
my car recently got broken into and my portable tom tom was stolen. i was thinking of getting the iphone tom tom kit. although the app and kit together are costly.. it's a better piece of mind having my gps always on my iphone.. but it seems like people like the navigon app better...
im really confused on which to get now.. even tho tom tom is cheaper.. please more opinions people .. i am planning on purchasing the tom tom kit for iphone next week...
I'm probably not the best person to give you an answer because I've only used TomTom but I'll offer my feedback.
I've only used it with the car kit and it has always been great. It has been off a few times but nothing major and it will usually get you in the vicinity of where you're going. It also reroutes pretty fast.
I personally think that they are both essentially the same and it comes down to personal preference. I went with TomTom because I thought it looked better.
oh your the best person for me to speak to because you already have experience in what im leaning to..
how is the hands free?
when your playing music with the tom tom and a phone calls comes after your done with the call does the music continue to play?
even charged does it still drain the battery on the iphone....
when your playing music with the tom tom and a phone calls comes after your done with the call does the music continue to play?
even charged does it still drain the battery on the iphone....
My wife and I both share Navigon on
two iPhone 3Gss.
Absolutely. Since they do not rely on an internet connection, they will function just fine whether you have a signal or not. All of the data is stored locally in the app. Just be ready to give up a little less than 2 gigs to store it all.
This. I run TomTom on my iPod touch 1G and it works perfectly fine. The only things you wouldn't get without service is traffic updates and Google local search.