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When you're out shooting and you take a bunch of shots, what % of your shots are ones you actually keep and use (be it for commercial or personal uses like posting on your photo page)?

I'm a believer in "take a bunch, sort them out later", so maybe 5% are 'keepers'.

Way back in the film days when I was in college, a few roommates and I took a day trip to the Grand Canyon (our college was in Northern Arizona, but it wasn't Northern Arizona University,) and on that trip, I took 288 pictures. My album from that trip has 40 pictures, and I consider only 4 of them to be truly "great" photos. I keep the 40, but I would only take active effort to 'promote' the 4, if I ever had a reason to do so.

Oh, but I do keep even the 'bad' ones, as long as they aren't so horribly bad that I can't even figure out what it's a picture of, because I'm a pack rat that way. I just put those in a box. For digital, I only toss ones that are so horrendously out of focus that I can't even tell what it's a picture of, or are outright aimed wrong (like an accidental picture of the ceiling or something.)
I chuck anything with bad exposure, bad focus, etc. Since I am still trying to learn more about my camera and what I like to shoot, it really depends. I went to my niece's christening last weekend and took 251. I parsed it down to 68 and could probably get to 50 if I wanted to.
Not that all of those are great shots, but they capture a moment pretty well.
Once I burn a CD and give it to my brother-in-law, I plan on keeping only the top 10 or so (I took some good flower shots I think, see POTD thread for some pretty rhododendrons).

But when I am taking time for something I am setting up, like a landscape or such, I am probably much closer to keeping 70% or so, as I try to get it right the first time, and then maybe fiddle about with WB or aperture.
I'm a believer in "take a bunch, sort them out later", so maybe 5% are 'keepers'.
I have found myself in this same camp!

I find my keeper rate rises as I get more accustomed to my equipment. Right now I'm on a trip in Thailand and upgraded my camera body and lenses/filters before I left, but my keeper rate has dropped from my previous setup.

Out of the 3000 pictures I've taken so far, around 10-20 are excellent, and around 40 are great. Out of the total 75% are, bluntly, just boring compositions/subjects/lighting.
And then 10% are user error especially w/ the new filters I'm learning and the new metering system/AF in the camera that I'm not accustomed to.

I find that the more I take each day the better my shots get progressively, like I have to "warm up" with my eye.
I took 106 photos of my friend and her horse the other day. I liked 4 of them. She "really" liked about 35 of them. I guess its all just in the eye of the beholder;)

I take "keepers" to mean photos I actually use in publication or publicity and promotion. Honestly, that would be less than 5%. Naturally, friend's and family's "keepers" for keep sake would make the percentage closer to 25%.
It depends on what you mean by keepers. If you mean photos you would publish or enter in a contest...maybe 5-10 per year. And that is out of thousands of shots. If you mean good photos of friends and things, that are correct composition, exposure and visually pleasing, I would say around 40-50%.

My percentage has gone up a lot since I started shooting medium format...when it costs a little over $1 per frame, you take your time and make sure it is a good photo before you release that shutter.
I guess it depends on what you consider "keeper"

On my recent vacation I took about 850 pictures...

85% of them are well enough exposed, sharp, and at have at least a moderately interesting composition.

25% of them are sufficient to tell the story of the trip and are what I put into my slide show

5% of them I consider good enough to consider framing or putting as a wallpaper

Probably less than half of that will actually survive further inspection and actually be put somewhere.
For me i would say overall I am happy with a lot of the shots I take, I photoshop most of the ones i really like, but overall i would say its around a 20-30% keep rate. I am not a pro, i do this for fun so that may be why I am far less critical than a lot of the others on this site that are pro :)

For me photography is relaxing, its fun to wander off and just start taking photos of random things. Travel is another thing that i enjoy and to me travel and photography go hand-in-hand.

Some of my photos are here for anyone that is interested :)

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