When you're out shooting and you take a bunch of shots, what % of your shots are ones you actually keep and use (be it for commercial or personal uses like posting on your photo page)?
I'm a believer in "take a bunch, sort them out later", so maybe 5% are 'keepers'.
Way back in the film days when I was in college, a few roommates and I took a day trip to the Grand Canyon (our college was in Northern Arizona, but it wasn't Northern Arizona University,) and on that trip, I took 288 pictures. My album from that trip has 40 pictures, and I consider only 4 of them to be truly "great" photos. I keep the 40, but I would only take active effort to 'promote' the 4, if I ever had a reason to do so.
Oh, but I do keep even the 'bad' ones, as long as they aren't so horribly bad that I can't even figure out what it's a picture of, because I'm a pack rat that way. I just put those in a box. For digital, I only toss ones that are so horrendously out of focus that I can't even tell what it's a picture of, or are outright aimed wrong (like an accidental picture of the ceiling or something.)