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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 4, 2010
I'm trying to beef up my rss feeds for Apple news, and I'm wondering what sites this community uses to get Apple news besides MacRumors. If you could please name your favorite sites, I would appreciate it and maybe we could share some good places to check out stuff.
I never read MacRumors for Mac news.

TUAW and sometimes Engadget. I don't like the attitude of Engadget recently, and especially in the crowd it draws in the comments. But I'm sure you already knew of those two. :)
I go to 4 technology sites many times a day, for Mac I go to MacRumors and 9 to 5 Mac. MacRumors seems more professional but 9 to 5 Mac is not as professional and more relaxed.

Then others, Engadget and Gizmodo. Engadget is the more professional, while Gizmodo is not as professional.
Yes, just the day before, December 19th, I guess.

Anyway, I miss them.
Oh I miss them too. They had some amazing sources ... of course that's why they got shut down.

They surely declined in quality ...
It's mostly their rambling I don't like. Their articles start out rehashing news for background, then give the actual story then ramble about whatever comes to mind it seems. Sometimes it's not even relevant. BUT, I follow them because every once in a while they have a source or insight that no one else posts about.

but that is what you get with hordes of new Apple products and customers and the so-called fanboys and more and more girls.
I'm not sure what you mean by "more and more girls."
Oh, and those talking about AppleInsider. They're the worst. They lie, and they are scums. Don't read them. That is all. Fake names too.
AI and MDN. Once in a while I'll read Neowin if I want to remember why I dumped Windows and PC garbage-ware in the first place.
TUAW and AppAdvice (app). I have widgets/gadgets on my iGoogle homepage with the latest news on "Steve Jobs", Apple, iPad, etc. It works great and it's all in one page. That's how I'd see the latest MacRumors news before I joined the forums.
Daring Fireball and MacRumors, that's it. Apple news isn't that important to me on a day to day basis until I'm either starting to think of buying something for me or sometimes as a team... or I'm trying to do some research on software/OS developments that could impact on my field. sometimes has articles not found on other Mac sites. It has an English language version ( but the French site is more complete and up to date.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I've picked up some good sources from you.
I actually rarely read Macrumors itself for news. I tend to go for Mashable, Engadget, Cult of Mac and Gizmodo.
Sites I follow through RSS: Fudzilla, AnandTech and techPowerUp. They aren't Apple related but Fudzilla has some Apple stuff by time to time (e.g. the AMD rumor) and AnandTech has the best reviews, including new Macs and other Apple products. Of course, those sites provide other tech news which I care about, including CPUs, GPUs and things like that
I have a bookmark folder that I open every morning:

AppleInsider - occasionally the good article appears, but read everything with a grain of salt.
Neowin - yeah it's pretty and iPhone friendly. But it has the slowest rate of new articles, most of them about MS. The true value of the site lies in the comments from readers when an Apple article is posted. Sheer hilarity at the ignorance; just makes me feel better when I feel I think I'm a fanboy.
Slashdot - has articles for everything nerdy in the world, fantastic comment system. Usually something good to read up on, and usually learn something from it.
Engadget/Gizmodo - just heaps of random nerd news to catch up on. Engadget is more techy, Giz is more nerdy.
MR - great place, you know apart from the articles advertising apps.
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