should read: do a lot of GREAT photography
what do you do with the 7 photos of something that only 1 made it online?
do you delete or store these images externally?
I need to figure this out soon
Why, thank you!
If I've gone out and shot seven or eight images on a given day, when I go through them I delete the ones which I know I am not going to ever bother editing. I then usually will edit one or two, depending upon how much time I've got right then. Those go into a folder of edited images. Ones that I think I might get back to work on later I'll retain in the original folder of RAW images until I do get around to reviewing and editing them.
Sometimes I shoot a lot -- and I do mean a lot -- of images in a given day when I'm shooting wildlife such as the hooded mergansers, Great Blue Heron, and geese who live on our little lake, I'll review the images, pull out a few for further consideration and stick those into a separate folder, which I usually edit fairly promptly. If time is a constraint I'll simply set aside the entire folder of RAW images until I can deal with it. I also back up the entire folder of RAW images even prior to editing and those are also safe on a separate external drive.
Any images which don't look right to me for whatever reason: out-of-focus, busy background, blurry, composition isn't good, subject blinked or moved or the eyes are closed.....all get promptly deleted. I don't save any images which are not worth editing, keeping or sharing. Sometimes an image is marginal, so I'll work on it, see if it's worth saving, and sometimes careful editing can indeed rescue an "iffy" image, while at other times it doesn't, and I wind up deleting the image anyway.
Sometimes I'll have several nice images from which to choose on a given day when I'm ready to post in the Photo of the Day (POTD) thread, and sometimes by the end of the week I still have two or three which didn't make it beyond the "Edited Items" folder. Those I do keep anyway and eventually they also wind up on an external backup drive (I back up regularly: weekly, monthly, etc.).