I'm not 100 per cent sure anymore, but it was one of these, which I bought around the same time. But come to think about it the Plus came with System 6.
I had a Quadra back in the college days. I can't recall what model it was, only that it was very expensive. Funny how Moore's Law works, a fraction of that cost from 1993 would buy substantially greater performance today.
Pretty sure it was either of the following, both products were bought in 2005 I believe:
PowerMac G4 Sawtooth - loved it! Sold it in 2008 and bought a 2004 iMac G5 used.
iPod 5G 30GB Black. Easily the best looking iPod ever. I still have it, as well as the original box. I loved it, used to listen to it for hours, daily! Battery's still in good shape though! Replaced it with an iPod Touch, which I was not nearly as passionate about. There was just something special about the old click-wheel iPods.
This was my first. 1st Gen iPod Nano 2Gb.
I still have it and it works well, but is rarely used.
After that?
iPod Classic 120Gb
iPad 3 32Gb 4G
iPhone 4S 16Gb (Sold the Classic and Galaxy S2 to buy this)
And I have my first Mac on order (Mini, i7 2.6, fusion drive)
Got it through one of those referral sites - I didnt really use it, cant for the life of me think what happened to it.
My first purchase was an iPhone 4 - Bought myself and the missus one on Newyears day after a night out in Manchester. Definitely turned my thoughts on Apple products.