(14yrs old) dealing with a bricked PC because of my brothers limewire downloads. I got my first mac on the day of the the first Ipad release Apr 3 2010. It was a 21.5' Late 2009 core 2 duo, upgraded graphics. My dad told me I was getting a new computer so I was up at the crack of dawn. Was a massive line in front of the Apple store. When the store officially opened the "geniuses" called out for anybody who wasnt buying an ipad so my father and I walked in front of the massive and now -angry- line to be the first in the store.
Truly awful/incredible timing, a fun memory. My dad wanted to get an iPad that day as well when he realized what was happening but I talked him out of it. Not sure they would've even given us one when we skipped the line like that.
My father was a college professor, and for many years he'd make slides to use for lectures (these were photos--not a text outline of the lecture like someone might use PowerPoint for). He processed the black and white slides himself. He did prints at least occasionally, as well. I remember spending part of a school holiday when I was maybe 10 or so while he made some prints. I might have seen the whole process from photographing the source material to the finished prints, but I can't remember for sure. But I'm pretty sure it was a fascinating day.
My first Apple device was a Macintosh Color Classic in 1993.
I joined photo club my junior year in high school(1977). I saved up and bought my first 35mm SLR and my dad built me a darkroom in our basement. I had a lot of fun with that. I liked photography so much that when I graduated the next year, I went into the NAVY as a PH(Navy Photographer) and retired after 24 years(2002). Traveled the world and the US and have so much to show for it. Mostly slides for storage convenience. I haven't done any film processing since the early 2000's, but I still greatly enjoy photography. It's all digital now for me, and mostly with my iPhone.