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5300cs said:
I think so .. it says Pentax Auto 110 on it. It's really small.

That sounds right. I sold a few of those when they were new. It took really amazing photos considering the size of the negative. The controls were a bit small, though. Still, being able to carry an SLR and all its accessories and lenses in one pocket had value.
bousozoku said:
...being able to carry an SLR and all its accessories and lenses in one pocket had value...

That, and that 110 film was just drop in and shoot. I had a bunch of bad experiences with 35mm film cameras and the film not catching and advancing properly. When I first got it, it was a miracle :)

How much was it new, by the way?
5300cs said:
That, and that 110 film was just drop in and shoot. I had a bunch of bad experiences with 35mm film cameras and the film not catching and advancing properly. When I first got it, it was a miracle :)

How much was it new, by the way?

It was slick. I believe we sold it for $249 by itself and $329 for the kit including all the lenses.
bousozoku said:
The one of the left on this web page:

Big black and white film, a flash that takes bulbs and batteries (B!) no longer available, and an upside down image in the viewfinder--heaven--well, maybe not.

Yeah, the old box cameras are a lot of fun, provided you can find film for them. The first I had was this one: (Maybe a bit confusing, but that's not the same Agfa that exists today, rather it's the company that became GAF and was better known for Viewmasters. There was an asset seizure after WWI.)
1st actual purchased camera: Canon Powershot Elph S200

I currently use a Nikon Coolpix 5700, but the Elph's still rock.
Just to make sure we're talking about the same camera, it's this little guy. Right? (Took the image off of Google image search.)


  • auto 110.jpg
    auto 110.jpg
    39 KB · Views: 91
Cheap little camera made for kids.

But it actually worked for a while.. I can't remember what it was called, but it was multi-colored blue and yellow and red

.It was purty....:D
I'd always see my mom taking pictures, and she wouldn't let me "waste" her flim. :eek:

So, for my 6th birthday, I got this teal-green film camera. I was so excited... it was a real camera, not a disposable one. Well I used up the film in a day, (as I was so excited and hyper with it) and my mom wouldn't buy me film for a while after that. Most of my pictures were absolutely horrible (like taking a picture of the wall).
Box Brownie. I loved it... fixed-focus rangefinder with upside-down images in the viewer. Rolls of black and white 620 (?) film...

Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
I had a Vivitar 110 and an Oly SLR. I took the Oly apart one day, I've regretted that ever sense. I didn't know what I had.
First family camera was one of those polaroid thingys. First personal camera was/is a Sony DSC T3 (Black).

I'd like a new camera....the Exilim lines are tempting but can't justify it because the Sony still works like a champ.
I think my first camera was either a red generic cheap film camera or one that had a square rotating flash that had to be replaced.

After that I used (and still have) a Minolta hi-matic af2 38mm

Current cameras: the one above, a Nikon EM, Nikon L3, and a minox spy camera
it was a non-digital minolta slr, a hand-me-down from my sister. she gave it to me so that i could use it for a journalism competition in high school. i filled in for a photographer who couldn't make it, and i didn't really know what i was doing, taking pictures of this and that. so it was funny that the picture i took won first place in southern california. fond memories.
The first camera that I every bought with money I earned myself? That would be a Polaroid Swinger. See the Ad.

It only took small, black and white photos, and you had to coat each picture with the coating squeegee that came packaged with the film. If you didn't, they'd fade quickly.

Oh yes, the young woman in the commercial, with the great legs,,,, Uh yes, that would be Ali MacGraw. Amazing, isn't it?
First camera ever was a Yashica FX-2 with no electronics. The light meter was busted, so i had to make all my f stop settings and shutter speed adjustments by eye. (had around a 95% success rate) Then i had a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000, and now a Nikon D50.
My very first camera was a point and shoot polariod. My first digital camera was a cheesy 2.0 MP camera with absolutely no quality. My current camera is a Kodak EasyShare Z760 6 MP digital. I love it. :)
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