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macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
Just curious as to features other people would like to see.

The one thing I really want from Apple is a centralized place for managing my authorized computers. I run a G5, however I have coworkers running iTunes on Windows who would like to be able to play music I've purchased from the iTMS. I would gladly authorize their computers to play my music, however when the day comes when their computers inevitably crash (it's Windows after all), leaving me unable to deauthorize their computers, it'd be nice to be able to log into my .Mac account and manually deauthorize their computers. Right now my only option is to email Apple to have them deauthorize them, and when they do it, they deauthorize ALL of my computers (at least that's what happened last time).

Anyone else?
Every time this is asked I say the same thing. A way to split an existing track in 2 with removal of the silent bit between. Basically for use on those tracks that some bands put on last which are 30 minutes long with a 4 minute song right at the start and another right at the end.
I’d like to see nested playlists so I can organize my music better. I have many 2-CD compilations, and instead of making separate playlists for each one to organize the albums, it would be nice to have them organized better, and have them separated within another playlist. This way I could have one folder/lpaylist for the actual album, then within that playlist, have one playlist/folder for CD #1, and another one for CD #2. It’s not a huge deal, but it would be nice. I’d like to see the same functionality in iPhoto as well, so I could have a “Summer 2004” album, then multiple albums within that album for my different trips, events, etc.
For us laptop owners, 15GB of music is too much of my internal HD. However, when I'm not on the go, I can plug into my 250GB LaCie, and I have plenty of storage. It would be great if I could have iTunes load a partial library of my 'favorites' when on the go, but load the whole library when the external drive is plugged in.
~Shard~ said:
I’d like to see nested playlists so I can organize my music better. I have many 2-CD compilations, and instead of making separate playlists for each one to organize the albums, it would be nice to have them organized better, and have them separated within another playlist. This way I could have one folder/lpaylist for the actual album, then within that playlist, have one playlist/folder for CD #1, and another one for CD #2. It’s not a huge deal, but it would be nice. I’d like to see the same functionality in iPhoto as well, so I could have a “Summer 2004” album, then multiple albums within that album for my different trips, events, etc.
Why not just use the Disc x of x tag? That's what I do and it means I don't have to create a playlist like you suggest. I just look up the album in the Library and there they are. Disc 1at the top followed by Disc 2. It works pretty well for me anyway.

But I do agree that nested playlists would be pretty nice. Just not in the same way you suggested.
i don´t know if it´s maybe me who hasn´t understood the smart playlist concept, but when i make a smart playlist (genre f.e.) it includes x amount of songs randomly. sync with ipod, good to go. great so far, but when i restart itunes the smart playlist isn´t refreshed; meaning the same x amount of songs are sitting there. that is just a playlist that i didn´t have to move the songs to; hardly a smart playlist. i´d like the playlist to refresh (mix an entirely new list according to the specified conditions) every time i start itunes. this way i´d always have a neat new playlist of hip hop, rock, classical etc. music, without having to create a new "smart" playlist everytime.
robbieduncan said:
Every time this is asked I say the same thing. A way to split an existing track in 2 with removal of the silent bit between. Basically for use on those tracks that some bands put on last which are 30 minutes long with a 4 minute song right at the start and another right at the end.

there used to be a feature like this (can´t check at the moment). you can say when the song starts and when it stops. that way you can cut out the silent bits.
I would like to see several times more artists and tracks than available now. They should throw in as many obscure groups as they can find. Plus they should add the entire back catalog for the major labels as well. I'm sure they already plan on expanding the catalog but I hope this will happen sooner rather than later.

Acquire the rights to the entire Beatles catalog. Add the tracks to the iTunes Music Store. Buy out Apple Corps if they refuse to give up their lawsuit.

Many more foreign tracks would also be welcome. Perhaps more of these will become available as they expand but I am impatient. :p Some more radio stations would also be good.

I would like to see video content expanded greatly. Enourage people to download videos (both free and for a fee) and make playists for them within iTunes. Video news stories from several sources, many more music videos, and short entertainment and educational programs. More kids content would be great. I could see parents using a playlist filled with shuffled video clips from Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow to keep their children occupied for a while.
To be able to re-download music that I have paid for on iTMS on one authorized computer, on antoher authorized computer, the fact that you can't SUCKS :mad:
Some great ideas yamabushi, but I think that those upgrades are mostly independant of the actual iTunes software. Though the ability to get your favorite TV shows (24, Family Guy, etc.) without having to wait for a DVD or stuggle through Bit Torrent would be a GREAT precusor to offering full length movies.
kgarner said:
Why not just use the Disc x of x tag? That's what I do and it means I don't have to create a playlist like you suggest. I just look up the album in the Library and there they are. Disc 1at the top followed by Disc 2. It works pretty well for me anyway.

But I do agree that nested playlists would be pretty nice. Just not in the same way you suggested.

Yes, but what if I want the actual playlists to reflect this and not have 2 separate playlists, one for each disc? I would simply like a "XYZ" playlist and then inside of it, a "Disc 1" and "Disc 2" playlists.

Or, what if I have a lot of albums by one artist? Instead of multiple albums in my root playlists, it would be nice to have a "Miles Davis" playlist for instance, then within that have a playlist for all of his albums. It would keep the main list of playlists a lot shorter and neater, as well as more organized in my opinion.
~Shard~ said:
Yes, but what if I want the actual playlists to reflect this and not have 2 separate playlists, one for each disc? I would simply like a "XYZ" playlist and then inside of it, a "Disc 1" and "Disc 2" playlists.

Or, what if I have a lot of albums by one artist? Instead of multiple albums in my root playlists, it would be nice to have a "Miles Davis" playlist for instance, then within that have a playlist for all of his albums. It would keep the main list of playlists a lot shorter and neater, as well as more organized in my opinion.
See, I just use the Browse feature in the main Library to do all that. I look for the artist i want and it shows me all of their albums in the next column and all of the songs from all the albums in the pane below. Then I can select a particular album if I like and iTunes shows me just the songs for that album (and returning to the multi-disc thing, the songs are in order of Disc1 and all of its songs followed by Disc 2's songs, unless I have it sort differently). I really only use the playlists for broader categories like "Music for Workout", etc.
Amen again on nested playlists.

I loved the CD-Text feature when it finally came to Toast, but now I find I don't use my CD player much any more. More and more CD players are getting to where they play MP3's (including car CD players), and not everyone adopted the CD-Text functionality, so this may fade in terms of desirability. Though it is cool to queue up a CD on my old 300-disc jukebox and have it display artist/title.

I'd also vote for the ability to edit MP3 files. So you can shorten lengthy songs, add a custom fade, mix songs, etc.

I would like to search their catalog by record label. I'd like to be able to see all that iTunes has that's been put out by Quarterstick or Asphodel, for example. The information is there with each item, it's just not an option in power search.

I'd also like to be able to see what has been added by day instead of by week. I enjoy scrolling through those lists and occasionally come across a band or piece of music that I had forgotten about or never would think to search for.

And more iPod give-aways. Many, many iPod give-aways. Can't be enough of those as far as I'm concerned. At least while I don't have an iPod.

just a few small ideas...

1: new visualizations - i'm fed up of seeing that orange one every time.

2: timed visualizations - like a screensaver option so if kb/ mouse is not used the visuals start automatically after a few minutes.

3: integrate the equalizer into main window so it pops up and down like the album art pane but in the song list area.

4: record radio option, recorded sections get saved as aac (at the appropriate bit-rate) and organized into a radio playlist. (probly copyright problems here though)

all minor, but would be good additions.

Also the sub-playlist idea is a must too.

kgarner said:
See, I just use the Browse feature in the main Library to do all that. I look for the artist i want and it shows me all of their albums in the next column and all of the songs from all the albums in the pane below. Then I can select a particular album if I like and iTunes shows me just the songs for that album (and returning to the multi-disc thing, the songs are in order of Disc1 and all of its songs followed by Disc 2's songs, unless I have it sort differently). I really only use the playlists for broader categories like "Music for Workout", etc.

Fair enough, everyone sets things up a little different and has their own
preferences when it comes to things like this. :)
My vote is for nothing at all. I'm happy, pretty much, with how it works at the moment, and I can't think of anything that would significantly improve it.

Just a though. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Have an option for the View Options preference to apply to what you are looking at ONLY. To be able to alter view options for a specific artist/album/playlist/etc.
saabmp3 said:
Vote #2 for CD-TEXT!

What's CD-TEXT? I've never heard of it.

I only have a small request - that the reset play count option be somewhere more accessible in addition to the context menu.
Oh yeah - almost forgot - support for editing the latest version of ID3 tags (I know iTunes 4.6 creates ID3 V2.2 tags, and I have some songs with ID3 V2.3 tags).
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