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My list, I know some are repeated and I know some of them are not software related rather iTMS related...

(in no particular order)

1. a better way to search for videos and trailers.
2. an option to save videos.
3. a new view option for looking at album art only.
4. more album art, more art in general.
5. a customized store front.
6. a powerBook sync option (this one was mentioned earlier and I think it would be an great idea).
7. option to transfer music between two authorized computers, just like photos are done in iPhoto ( I know that this one won't happen).
8. lyrics, info about bands. they have some but i would like to see it expanded.
9. ability to search for iMixes, if there is one I don't see it.
10. an identity, basically an expansion on the iMix or community idea.
11. search by label, I think apple tried to make the music labels invisible at first but I think now it is needed.

I don't need any of that.. just thought I would take a moment to asses iTunes. I love my iTunes :)
I like the idea of burning cd's 1-3 or 5, like printing,

as for cueing songs to be played next, other than adding it to your party shuffle, there is no way to get iTunes to play a song that isn't consecutively next, next.
1. I would really love multiple Libraries, I don't think its unreasonable to completely seperate classical from other music types.

2. shuffle by selected genres.

3. Support for Multiple versions of the same tracks. Anybody actually working with music will no doubt have the experience of wanting to have both your master recordings as well as various bit rates and versions used to send out as samples. I would like a small folder arrow for multiple versions that you can open (as per the OS) to select the one to play, and or find.

Multiple versions is also relevent for those that want larger files, but also smaller portable ones for the iPod.
This could also be in the form of Multiple libraries... so Aiff for home listening, and AAC for on the move.
Shared Libraries
1. Ability to send messages to other itunes users on your network when you are sharing your library. Maybe linked to iChat somehow.

2. Be able to monitor exactly who's sharing your library and which songs they are listening to. Maybe you can do this with 3rd party plugins?

Live mixing
3. Speed and pitch control. iTunes should be able to analyze BMP. I know this is easy to implement since ipods can do it with audio books. Perhaps this could be a paid "pro" feature.

4. A simple live mixer with more control over cross fades. Perhaps this can be accomplished with a third party plugin. I know there are some decent DJ programs out there (like TraktorStudio) but it'd be nice to use my iTunes as a base. I just need some simple features.

5. Be able to select multiple sources for Party Shuffle.

6. An option to password-lock iTunes so people don't mess around with your playlists during parties. Maybe allow people to add to the end of an existing playlist (as in requests) but not change the the order of the songs that are already qued up.

Album art
7. I know some plugins let you do this already but it'd be nice if iTunes can automatically download Album covers from the internet.
-Multiple libraries. I really hate that my library, and my wife's library don't sync up automatically.

-Support for FLAC/SHN

-Continuous playback. I can't imagine downloading a Grateful Dead concert and having little tiny pauses between tracks.

-Nested playlists.

-The guy who talked about the different libraries or whatever for an external HD was right on. I'd like to be able to store all of my music on my external, and then only keep 5gigs or so on my iBook. As it is, I have 25gigs of music on the iBook--which gets annoying. I tried to do this through the 'group' on the tag--but it sucked.
sub-playlists and shared libraries would be all i need right now.

sub-playlists are actually a no-brainer, but shared libraries... apple, come on! actually, this leads to multiple libraries, but it wouldn't be so hard to think of a "shared" library that is visible to all users in a computer. not sharing outside, perhaps, but visible within the local machine that has multiple users. add a cd once and access it from any user account. this would by the way be good feature for iphoto, too.

(i have given this feedback to apple, i suggest you do the same with your wishes and ideas.)
Me and my brother already have multiple profiles/logins, but I wanted the songs, and only the songs in our libraries to sync up I still want us to have individual playlists, ratings, etc...

And about iTheartre. You wouldn't have to have broadband, just to organise your video files. You would only need broadband for downloading videos.
Join tracks!! i mean i have a 1000+ audio book split into several files, its a nightmare. I want the ability to join existing tracks (the current join only joins on import) into one so i can group the chapters together.

I know i can do this manually by copy - paste in quicktime but 1000+ files, i'll have no wrist left from my mouse :(

The ability to add video files into playlists / playback through iTunes would be sweet

also some nice auto-burning, like you select a multi-cd album, it reads the disk x of x tag, then groups the disk 1 burns , groups disk 2 burns & groups disk 3 burns etc...

Plugins for visualisations like winamp

iTunes has got to be one of the best jukeboxes out there, i know winamp is ok but for managing huge libraries, nothing touches it and its FREE! :p
edesignuk said:
To be able to re-download music that I have paid for on iTMS on one authorized computer, on antoher authorized computer, the fact that you can't SUCKS :mad:

I agree. It should keep a log of what you've downloaded so that you can download again later. That would also serve as a backup if your HD fails or whatever. At the moment, it seems to forget what you've bought as soon as you've finished downloading it (fortunately it remembers if the download is cancelled or fails!)
I second the iChat integration and ability to monitor shared libraries.

I would also like to be able to iSync my playlists between computers. This way I could set a playlist for my after work bikeride at work and sync my iPod when I get home. If there is a song on my home computer that is not on my work computer then I could see the name showing up in the playlist but being greyed out to indicate it is not available.

I would also like to see iTunes integrate with iDisk. I know most of you have GBs of music and may see this as a rediculous idea, but my home library and work library are almost identical. So when I add a new song or album at home it would be nice to have it automatically synced at work. It would also be nice to set a maximum percentage of iDisk space that iTunes could use. My 100 MB iDisk is usually about 50 MBs full. Therefore, if I set iTunes to use 25% I could sync 25 MB of music between my home and work computer daily without having to think about it. There could even be a "sync" column with a check box next to each song (like iTunes currently uses). Then only checked songs are synced.

Nested playlists are a great idea as well. It would be great for when I have people over. I can have a jazz mix playing in the beginning (a smart playlist of 20 of my top rated jazz songs) then slowly switch over to more rock music (when the Jazz playlist is done iTunes would start playing my next list, etc.).

It would also be nice if iTunes was integreated with the system clock. This way as the night goes on and my party starts winding down I can have iTunes automatically switch back to more mellow music at certain time (like 12:00). Its also a nice way to let people know its time to get going.

Lastly, I would like iTunes to have a separate library for AudioBooks and news programs. I like sometimes just clicking on my library and listening to tunes in random order. When I do this, however, I constantly have to skip past the audio books or saved AACs of "Your Mac Life". I know I can do this with a smart playlist but I don't see there being a compelling reason to have them integrated as they are.
stoid said:
For us laptop owners, 15GB of music is too much of my internal HD. However, when I'm not on the go, I can plug into my 250GB LaCie, and I have plenty of storage. It would be great if I could have iTunes load a partial library of my 'favorites' when on the go, but load the whole library when the external drive is plugged in.

I second this empathically.. I have one of the 1st PB 17"s with a 60gb hard drive.. I have just ordered another 40gb iPod and would love to import my entire cd collection, which would pretty much fill the 40gb..

I have a 250gb external drive that I would like to keep most of my music on.. once a cd is imported onto the laptop I would like to be able to flag it as either a favourite or not... an auto sync everytime I connect my external harddrive would be great.. iTunes could then export the actual tracks to the hard drive..

It would have to have all track listings on the laptop as at the last sync.. I could then just flag these cds as favourites whilst I am disconnected and then on the next sync they'd be copied back to the laptop for instant access.

Apple must realise the disparity between the size of the drives in their laptops and those in the ipod.. Surely
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