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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 23, 2008
Midwest US
Sudden recurring issue when closing a certain legacy audio application. When I choose Quit, I now consistently get the following Sequence of dialogue box messages: First, Error-43 message as shown... and then upon hitting Continue..sometimes a couple or few times required - the next dialogue message as shown. After hitting Continue on Message Two, the app -eventually- will close. Any idea what's causing this. Running Onyx, Disk First Aid and trashing app's prefs, rebooting. zapping the PRAM - does not get clear this. I'm on Mojave, No other app presenting this issue. I am able to re-open the app subsequently. -Thanks! Screen Shot 2023-11-16 at 3.12.49 PM.jpg
Screen Shot 2023-11-16 at 3.12.55 PM.png


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 23, 2008
Midwest US
Use Disk Utility to run First Aid on your disks.
Yep, did run it. Didn’t find any issues. I’m curious what the actual messages point to as the problem - and why just with this one app- if i’ve trashed Prefs and rebooted…


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
As a guess, I would say that app looks for a file (probably a file that the app uses to save some part of its settings), and can't find that file to do the (shut-down) save. The file is in a different location (maybe another drive), or you may have accidentally renamed the file - or renamed the folder where that file is located.
What application are you talking about?
Does the app seem to work OK, until you choose to quit the app --- then the error appears...
Is that the only time you see that error?
The file (doesn't identify it beyond that) can't be found. It's missing from its normal location. Maybe you have moved some files or folders, that may seem unrelated to your app, yet is important to that app.

Maybe THAT audio app could be re-installed?

Might be helpful if you can share the name of the app, as someone else might have had that same issue.
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