No clue why someone asks a legit question for their particular purpose, and all the haters chime in ridiculing the question. Why do people feel the need to ridicule how others spend their money? Does it make themselves feel better about their purchases?
Anyway. To answer the question about pricing. Could you find a better price? Almost always selling yourself will net a higher price, but it's more work, and the time it takes depends on market size. I would suggest there are very few people looking for a maxed out MacBook Pro. Typically, the base units sell faster, but it's a race to the lowest price if you will, and thats what your Mac will be compared to. What I find helps with having more ram, or storage (or both) is convincing someone to buy your Mac versus someone else's with lower specs, but rarely is the actual price needle significantly changed. So if timing is critical on the sale, I would accept a slightly lower price for less time and effort, i.e. the deal you have on the table.